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A member registered Sep 17, 2021

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dont save scum noob

(2 edits)

many games like tome don't have a multisave. and just like in tome if i want to backup my character. i can do it manually, i dont need someone to hold my hand to do it for me, you knew the game is in beta and could easily back up your save files. I've never had a problem with tome losing my save but i still backup my lategame characters. Also, if your earlygame is taking you too long you aren't following a good enough route. I can easily make it to level 7 in about an hours time. level 1 to 3 takes me maybe 15 minutes.

These enemies are stronger because some inherently have higher resistances to certain things. Like mummies might have no fire resist or even negative fire resist, whereas skeletons might have higher resistance to nature damage. Not saying this is the case, but its an example.  As you face harder enemies, they have higher resistances innately.  Also, definitely hold shift to look at their equipment.  That way you can see if they are wearing something "of the tempest" for extra electric resist etc.