It's going, thanks! We wrapped up the intro adventure (in a location inspired by a certain major metropolitan city's art museum). That was initially designed as a self-contained thing with a MacGuffin in the adventuring site, but I ended up saying it wasn't in there anymore to give us an excuse to test iterations of the travel, faction, and combat rules, visit other parts of the map, and just generally get into trouble.
Wastoid has multiple inspirations, but my friends are very much playing it like a Fallout game, which means stopping along the way to do inane "side quests" at every opportunity. Our last session was spent pretty much entirely killing cow-sized "jumbo crabs" at the behest of some random scientist they met on the road because he promised he could inject them with a "serum" if they killed enough of them. Now a couple wastoids have soft shells, another has a claw, and a couple more have gills in their armpits.
Maybe someday they'll find the painting they're looking for. Or one of them will be the new president. That's a thing that might happen, too, apparently. We'll see.