Just added multiplayer functionality to the game! Please try the game and help by answering the quick survey on the game's page. I am in need of survey responses for a school project/report. Thank you!
Jason Tse
Creator of
Recent community posts
I'm in a similar situation. How about we exchange reviews :)
My game and survey are here: https://jatse.itch.io/dark-matter-run
I made a game for class and urgently need feedback. For context, it's a game made to run on lower spec'd laptops (around $300 range) and it had to had some competitive Esports-like gameplay elements. The game is small(50mb unzipped) and fairly short (5 minutes for one round of play), so I'd be grateful if I can get some feedback.
The game is here: https://jatse.itch.io/dark-matter-run
and I have a short survey here (Google forms, but I'm not collecting emails. I don't mind aliases either): https://forms.gle/Poi6XR4MP7ZMHto77
I released my first game! Dark Matter Run!
In this game, you pilot a mech while defeating enemies and gathering the resources they drop. Although there is an element of shooting projectiles, your main weapon will be your speed and piloting abilities. Rival mechs also roam the field snatching up resources, and if you get too close, they may knock some of your cargo loose. But you can do the same. Gather the most resources at the end of the round and you win!
This game is still in early development and I would appreciate any feedback you may have. Thank you!