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A member registered Feb 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Very fun and polished! Although I did get stuck after the first gravity switcher puzzle not sure what to do there. Otherwise great work!

Very confusing and repetitive, I wasn't sure what to do until i realized i could pick up the teddy bear in the first room.

Very fun if a bit repetitive at times. I liked seeing what was next when reaching the next house.

Game was confusing, especially the room with the 3 doors and the math problem. Maybe adding plus signs between the 3 doors would help?

Very  interesting although the fact you can outrun the entity / creature kind of ruins the whole concept. I did although like the atmosphere and intro. Door peaking seems buggy and unreliable. Ending was abrupt, some indicator that I did the right thing would go a long way. This game has a lot of potential, keep up the good work!