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A member registered Jul 27, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your response , I know it sucks pretty bad and as I said I'm not even a game developer nor know how to make a game so I understand everything you are saying and I know a lot of it sucks but you have to cut me a little slack as I'm basically just throwing things into the game to show what iv learnt so far.

I have no idea how to make the NPCs react to me but that's what I'm hoping to learn to add to the level.

A lot of good points and I am very aware of them all but as I do have no experience what so ever and as a complete beginner I think what iv got so far isn't too bad right, consider that iv at least managed to create a very basic terrain (yes you can jump off it :/ haha) but I'm quite happy with what I can do at such an early stage.

I do really appreciate your time to check it out though.

I'm just hoping I can only improve and also learn how to make my own scripts.

thank you again :)

Go easy Im an Absolute beginner with no Game development background nor coding.