Android version
Don't have an android version just web browser?
Any new updates?
Or is this a dead game?
No Android version for this
No new updates?
Is the 0.4.5b the latest version of this game and do you need to purchase it to play the whole game???
Has bugs please fix just purchased it
When is the next update?
Bought this for awhile is there going to be any new updates for this
No new update for this game
Can't seem to be able to download the game from the external link of mega
It ask me download an app called mega I do and it still won't work
The external link does not work on my phone I'm not available to download or play it which sucks game looks interesting.
Continue on this game
Version 0.12 going to be on here or no?
Are they going to release day 7
It's not loading at all but it does download
I'm having the exact same problem
Yea I'm not sure either I tried everything I'm connected to my wifi I all 4 of the links for Android and they all download great but when it's done downloading the file won't load.
Is the newest version going to be on here.
I'm able to download it but once downloaded it won't work.
This game down not download on my android tablet fix bug I paid for the game