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Jaye Raine

A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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(1 edit)

*dies of cute*
Welp.   I need this game.  Glad I learned about it shortly before it is gonna come out.

It worked!  Thanks a lot!

By the way, I like this game and hope to see more from you.  I especially like that there is a feedback loop of getting to know the NPCs and then their friendship affecting how you perform in battle.  And thank you for providing lots of representation for people of color and queer folk.

Thanks!  I'll give it a shot! 

I think I've reached maximum friendship with everyone, except maybe the gacha machine kid.  Is there a certain number of times you need to buy toys for this?

That would definitely be an improvement.  I am playing the Switch version and had the same issue.  I would also like to have information like how many turns have passed, how much money you have, and how much free time you have checkable at all times