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A member registered Oct 29, 2018

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The background tilemaps were what sold me on the pack, and the monsters/wizards were icing on the cake.

The sprites are really geared towards RPG style game, which didn't match our vision. None the less, it was a pleasure working with it.

Hi @TenToes,

You're correct. These monsters don't have attack animations, so we improvised by using some of the animations in creative ways.   

Here's an update I put on my personal (trash) youtube channel back in September 2020, that shows some more gameplay. 


Have you considered resizing the assets? We did that in our project and it worked fine.

For all following Pixeltier,

Attribution for this asset pack in our project has been placed here:

Happy 2021 everyone!

Hi @Finalbossblues,

Wanted to mention that we purchased and used your asset pack  and use some of your characters as bosses for our game, Modite Adventure.

Here's a trailer.

I'm prepping the repo now and you're going to be credited in the md/ section.

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Hi @Perpetual Diversion,

I wanted to mention that we purchased and used some of the attack animations in this pack for our game, Modite Adventure.

Here's a trailer. (Specifically the spells section)

I'm prepping the repo now and you're going to be credited in the md/ section.

(1 edit)

Hi @Pixeltier,

Wanted to mention that we purchased and used your icon pack in our retro game, Modite Adventure.

Here's a trailer.

I'm prepping the repo now and you're going to be credited in the md/ section.

Yes. We're releasing it for the LDK Game console.

(1 edit)

@Pita, we are nearing the release of our game using your monster pack. We mashed up this game set with some other assets to create "Modite Adventure". Below is some gameplay footage.