Thanks a bunch! <3
Jayro Jones
Creator of
Recent community posts
One cool thing you can do is buy a quality GBA Rumble cartridge from InsideGadgets and burn the ROM to it. Comes with FRAM for saving, and a rumble motor. Just patch the rumble in, and you're off to the races. Matthewmods on Etsy can set you up with a fresh, high quality label for the cartridge too.
My name is Jayro Jones.
I make Gameboy hardware mods and Gameboy software.
I'm the creator and developer of MediCat USB,
a bootable USB solution for PC repair.
[Official Discord server] [GBAtemp thread]

My page of projects: [Jayro Jones]
[Jayro's GAMEBOY™ Test Cartridge] is one of my most popular projects here on, as I sell physical copies to other Gameboy hardware techs like myself.
More about who I am:
I'm 38 years old, and live in Vancouver (USA) Washington (state) with my girlfriend Evelyn, and our two cats; Leo and Pepé.
I'm into Gameboy development, PC repair, game console modding, retro gaming, building gaming computers, tinkering with Raspberry Pi projects, and I'm addicted to gummi candy. I also drink enough coffee to constipate a mule. I'm sensitive to bright lights, and a chronic anxiety survivor. It's a pleasure to be here.