for that event 1/4 to roll legendary rarity, then I think theres 6 legendaries, so another 1/6, which would be 1/24 ~4% chance if you get the event.
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It wont count for Soul Renderer but Zephyr is individual buffs too. Gora's Poison Thorns would count if you are fighting fast attackers like Slicers or Flayers. Iceburst Brew (the slowing potion) makes your attacks apply individual debuffs much like Pyris too. Technicalllly things like Shiv, Stuns, or Nessa's Rejuvenating Flames count but arent very easily stacked. Some monsters apply multiple different debuffs too the like Tizik Lightning Rod & Overload so even though the stacks arent individual it still nets some easy bonuses.
progress *shouldnt* be lost if you refresh (unless something happens to the browser cache/cookies or saving fails). It autosaves each time you select something on the map. In this version there is a bug with seras when fighting faceless that can freeze it, so for now just try to keep him from being targeted by their Start of Battle ability.