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Jaz Dev

A member registered Feb 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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yea the difficulty curve is very steep

nah I didn't really see you comment as that negative, I just think about the negative things more because they are easier to improve on

Thanks, I think I did pretty well, and I definitely could have fixed to spawning time

To fix that I should probably pre place the enemies rather than spawning them randomly, or add a spawning animation

Yea I need to refine my difficulty curves

This is quite a great game especially for the time period it was made in, but there is one issue I have, some of the doors/bridges are invisible, so you don't know when they are opened or closed.

I know, I left some things to last minute so some aspects of the game feel very unpolished and glitchy

Yea I need to polish the mechanics more and do some more bug testing

I have no clue how to fix that issue, it always annoys me

yeah the web build scuffed the UI

Btw half the UI is scuffed from the export, there is meant to be a dice in the top right and the name on the start screen is scuffed

I did set it to gzip though


Yea I'm quite new to unity so I'm not the best at making mechanics for games.