The lone painting “ME” is by far the most visually articulate piece in the whole collection. *Sip*. Wile called “me” as if to stipulate a state of self absorption, in fact mocks this notion by portraying the individual as small and vulnerable, almost hiding in the corner of the painting. *Sip*. The vast body of water clearly shallow to suggest the lack of depth of the modern world, wile the water its self, the mass of the human experience, is clear, pure incapable of false hood. *Sip*. The individual is shown in a state of ambiguity, are they being born from this contradiction or are they submitting to death, returning to the watery womb of the human condition. *Sip*. The question the piece ask is… is there truly a difference….. **SIP**.
Recent community posts
1) create a sand box game "Cheaty McCheat" this naming is critical
2) enter the new sandbox and press Q click the text box and write "bi" select the binoculars
3) save the game and exit now go to the start game story mode game window and click the "open save directory" button
4) in the saves directory change the name of "b_Cheaty McCheater.sav" to "s_Cheaty McCheater.sav"
5)back in the in the games start game story mode game window, click "Update list"
6) open the totally legit story mode game called "Cheaty McCheater" and put the binoculars in the postbox out front of the base and save.
7) go to your actually legit game and order 5(five) shrimp packs and place them in front of the postbox in a pentagram (very important)
8) open the postbox and retrieve the binoculars
it s 60 fps every where at the start of the game, and stayed 60 out side the base. its just inside that drops over time so its not a problem with the settings as far as i can see. and even with potatoaffying the graphics the fps is still going down and the game will be unplayable again in 10 or so in game days.
Turning the shadows to 0 boosts the fps by +5
and turning off volumetric lights boosts the fps by +10
to a whopping total of 30 fps, and this number is still dropping. I also have the cockroaches limited to 50
i think the meat locker is located below this point but this is all me speculating whats causing the constant steady drop in frames.
starting a new game resets the fps and the slow drop begins again. this only started happening with 0.8
you can make a symbolic link and name it .mp3
symbolic link is like a super shortcut that redirects programs to the file
in cmd use> mklink Link Target
'link' is the 'shortcut' that will be made And 'target' is the file its pointing at
so in cmd it will look like eg:
mklink "C:\Users\you\AppData\Local\VotV\Assets\radio\link.mp3" "C:\myshitymusic\myshitysong.mp3"