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A member registered May 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! 😄

Thank you!


Thanks! Yeah, it uses the same hitbox for damaging bullets and catching bullets. I made it smaller to be a bit easier, but it also makes bullets harder to catch, so that kind of backfired. Maybe should have just used 2 hitboxes or something I guess.

Thanks for playing! Not sure if you found it, but there is a dash button that if you hold shift, will increase your movement speed. Unless you mean you want to go even faster than that.

Thanks for Playing, and for the feedback! Yeah, Pride is pretty tough, haha. I wanted to have something pretty challenging at the end, but they're definitely beatable. Although I may still consider balancing them a little more in the future. And yeah, I worked really hard trying to make all the bullet patterns feel unique, so I'm glad you noticed that! 😄

Nice game! The visuals and music were very nice, and it had some good action, and an interesting perspective. I'm not sure I understand how the theme was used, but overall, very nice submission!

Good job! Your game had a sort of similar take on the theme to mine!

I liked the idea, although I did find it a bit hard to find the sweet spot for how close I could get to bullets to be able to absorb mana without taking damage. Although I'm not really sure what else you could have done to improve that. The art was pretty nice too!

Nice game! I really liked the look and music, and had a unique interpretation of the theme that made for some interesting gameplay!

Nice game! You ended up with a pretty similar take on the theme to mine. haha.

The visuals and audio were pretty nice, and it wasn't too difficult or anything. I did realize it was a bit hard to shoot moving enemies from far away, because the player bullets were a bit slow, so I had to adjust to that a little. But overall, good job!

All the time I've wasted watching the bouncing DVD logo has finally paid off 😂
Nice game! gameplay was fun, and was a good difficulty.

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback! I've since posted an updated version to my personal website that increases the rate of white bullets. This does make some of the earlier levels a bit easier, but does seem to improve the game flow and speed things up a bit.


I also tried to improve the level select screen, but it probably could still use some work. I was sort of trying to do something like the overworld from super mario world, but it didn't quite work out as well as I wanted.

Thank you for playing! I mentioned in a few of my other replies, but yeah I realize I had some issues with balancing and the early levels being kind of slow. I've since posted an updated version to my personal website that improves some of the bullet spawn rates, and should make it less tedious I think.


Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it overall!😊
Also yeah, I'm normally just a programmer, so the visual side isn't my strongest suit, but I'm trying to improve there. I did all the character/enemy art myself, and have never done a jam with this much custom pixel art in it before, so that's still an area I'm trying to improve on.

Thanks for playing! 😄
Yeah, like I said in my post below, I have an update already that fixes the spawn rate a bit. I'll consider looking at some of the other stuff later, but some of that like character speed is a bit hard to change without having to consider the whole game. haha

Thanks for playing! And yup, like I said I've already been working on the early game balance stuff a bit post-jam. Glad you enjoyed it!

Oof, I'm sorry the level select screen wasn't more clear. That part was not as polished as I would have liked. I've since posted an updated version on my personal website that tries to improve it by making a connecting line between the levels, kind of like in old school mario games, although even then, it could still probably be a little more clear. I also improved the white bullet spawn rates on a lot of the levels, which makes it go a bit faster.

Thanks for playing! Yeah, as I mentioned in a few of my other comments, I didn't get as much time for balancing during the jam as I wanted, so the first few levels were a bit of a slog. But I've since posted an updated version on my website that increases the white bullet rate, which I think makes it a bit faster paced, and helps to get to some of the more interesting later levels quicker.

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing. Yeah, I kind of overscoped, and ran out of time at the end, and didn't get to spend as much time balancing and polishing as I originally planned. I did post an update on my personal website that improves the white bullet rate in most of the levels, which I think helps a lot.
The player collision is a little smaller than the player, because I was sort of trying to make avoiding the normal bullets a little more forgiving, but that also impacted the collectable bullets, since it uses the same collider. Maybe I could have split those up into two different colliders instead so I could control them separately, I suppose.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! 😄

Nice game! The controls were pretty difficult to get used to as other people have mentioned just because they are a little unusual, but I know that was kind of the point. I wasn't able to beat the first level because it was pretty difficult, but I did get to the two and a half minute mark once! I found using a real mouse for movement, and control to shoot worked best for me, because I kept accidentally clicking outside the game window when using the left click option. I also liked the art and visuals a lot.

Thanks for the feedback everyone! Seems like the common feedback is that the beginning levels are a bit slow, which is fair. I meant to do another balancing pass, but completely ran out of time at the end unfortunately.
I can't submit an update on itch until voting is over, but I did post an updated version on my personal website here:
Basically, I just balanced some of the levels to make the white bullets more common, and made some enemies a little less bullet spongey. And I also fixed a few bugs I noticed, and improved the level select screen a little.

Fun game! The visuals and audio seem very polished!

Interesting idea! I've never seen a bullet hell mixed with a typing game before. haha.
And using letters for ammo and enemies was an interesting idea.

Nice work! Seems like there's a lot of potential for interesting levels with these systems you have. The last level was a bit too big brained for me, but I somehow managed to fumble my way through it on accident. haha

Controls took some getting used to, but I love the art and music in this! Well done!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Thanks! This is one of the first jams I've done for a 3D game where I made all the art assets myself,  and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. :)