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A member registered Sep 06, 2016

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(1 edit)

Loving these games you are making here! Cant wait to try the rest of them keep it up!

I am really loving these Spongebob Horror games that have been popping up lately. This one was really cool and super enjoyable! Amazing job!

Loved the game!I thought it was going to be a simple little easy game but actually had some challeneges, some of which were me not reading what to do lol. But amazing job!

Loved the game so mucch! The atmosphere was super spooky and the small puzles were fun.  Great job!

Nothing else to say about this game besides AMAZING! Cant wait for the full release, keep it up!

Super simple game but very enjoyable. The hiding mechanic could use a little work but besides that I enjoyed the game. Well Done!

Decent game with some decent scares, managed to break the game a little bit but it wasnt anything to serious. All in all goo job!

This game was super enjoyable!  I love the basic concept of everything is based off of if something is true or false.  Haveing to figure out keys that someone had left as well is a really awesome idea!  Amazing job! Can anyone get my key?

I enjoyed the game a lot, it had a very good premise. The only things I did not like was how easy it was to get around the ghost and you did not actually even have to be looking at the candles just somewhere near them. The story and design was super fun though, Great job!

I absolutley loved the game although I am not sure I completely understand what I was reading.  I do now see that it may require more than a single playthrough so I may have to go back and try another route. The art style is what originaly drew me to this game and it was amazing all throughout! Great Job!

I did it! I finally completed this game!  The entire thing is super confusing and things dont always work right at times but all in all I really like it.  Some mechanics could use improvement and it could help if some questions were answered about the game but with a lot of work I was able to pull it out!  Hopefully my video can help anyone getting stuck, it ended up being a super fun puzzle game!

Super short but an awesome rendition of the portal style game! Its also really nice to see it already has a full steam release date! Great job cant wait for the full version!

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This game was oddly very very calming. I really like the little story behind it and the music choices for the game were amazing! great job!

The rewind and fast forward mechanic of this game was very interesting and very well done!  I loved the demo so much and it left me wanting so much more.  Cant wait to see more if its coming!

Loved this game it had all the creeps of walking home in a real city! Great Job!

For a game that was created in 48 hours this was amazing.  The cut scenes were super well done and even though it was fairly simple it was still a really cool game! Great Job!

Absolutely loved this demo! It is a gorgeous game and I loved the story behind it, the atmosphere had all the spooks and it played flawlessly.  Amazing job!

Although this game was really well made it, it sadly did not give me the thrill of Midnight Shift.  Keep up the work though I cant wait to see what comes next.

This game was flat out amazing! The puzzles were fun and were actually complicated unlike most "puzzle" games.  Hands down one of my favorite indie games I have played to date. Great job!

I really enjoyed this game! It was a fun little experience and I couldnt help but chuckle that the orb monster reminded me of Gastly. Great job!

This game was so odd but I loved it!  Really well made and had some nice spooks, Great Job!

The game was really cool, although I was not able to finish it because the game kept freezing over and over at the end.  Besides that I really enjoyed it!

Absolutely loved this game! Cant wait for the full release!

This game was extremely entertaining! the only thing I can say is that when you put 16 cars on the track the last few tend to get so messed up its impossible for them to completely take eachother out.  

Loved this game! Very well done for a student project and hope to see more from the team, keep it up!

very much enjoyed this game and mannequins will always be one thing that terrifies me... so stick me in a warehouse of them? All the nopes. I do wish the ending had a bit more but still job well done! 

I loved the atmosphere of the game but like some others feel it needs just a bit more to it, Amazing job though!

This game was hands down amazing! It took a whole new spin on a puzzle game that was awesome. Keep up the work!

Part 2

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Seriously love the game cant stop playing it and I think I am starting to figure more and more out!

So this game is by far one of the best, if not the best, game i have played yet from the indie community.  Like others have said the dialogue can be pretty repetitive and the controlls can feel a bit wonky at times, but all in all it is an amazing game.  Cant wait for the next episode!

This game was a lot more fun and complicated than I thought it would be. So much rage and so much laughter was had, great job!

This game was interesting, i did not beat it but for some reason found it annoyingly addictive... trust me I will beat it one day lol.  SCREW YOU ALEX!