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Julien Bartholini

A member registered Nov 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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It pisses me off, I really wish you could completely enjoy it. Thank you very much in any case ^^ A very nice day/evening to you and greetings from France :-)

hello Keiiikooo !
You have probably already understood that the solution is found on the stained glass windows of the entrance hall, but have you paid attention to the shapes behind each of the 3 symbols?

It is really nice ! Thank you so much angels ^^
I'm really sorry for what happened, in more than 3 years I have never heard of a bug at this specific moment in the game. Often by trying on another web browser, it fixes certain problems.

Thanks Denki :)

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Hello angels !
This is the right solution. On the other hand, I don't understand what you mean by "break my game". What happened ?



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Hello :^)
Perhaps you already understood this, but the solution to the riddle can be found in the text stuck on the painting on the ground right next to the door. Each passage refers to a color. I will not say more.

I am really sorry. This bug is rare but unbearable! I never managed to find its source because it seems to be caused by fucking random factors. The best I can advise you, if you haven't already done so, is to try the experience again on another web browser. Sorry again, this bug has left me helpless myself since the release of this game. Thank you very much for your compliment Nao :^)

Hi Vale ! :^D Thank you so much for your comment !
Aside from a special ending that requires an action too specific to be obtained by chance, there is only one true ending. It's a game with a dark story, set during a dark night and with a dark ending ;^) Thanks again !

Thanks a lot for your message Goobie :^)

You definitely had the good ending, there is only one. The other is a humorous bonus which requires a very specific action revealed at the very end of the game provided you have a score of 35/35.

You'll find this weird but the scene you're talking about is also a variation of a nightmare I had when I was younger and I also discovered that 2 of my friends had already had the same one. It must be part of the list of common dreams, like flying or failing to run.

The enigma you're telling me about is vicious and afterwards, we wonder how we managed not to see it ^^

I'm glad you're appreciated! Come back here whenever you want, you are welcome. Greetings from France !

Your message reminds me that the effort I put into making this game was for something. Thank you so much Oreeve ! Greetings from France :^)

Thank you very much Dot! I like the energy you put in your message ^^
Come back and play whenever you want! Greetings from France !

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Ça fait plaisir à lire :^) merci beaucoup Sonia! Je suis content que le côté mise en scène t'ait plu, j'ai essayé de la soigner au max pour compenser le côté linéaire de l'histoire.

I love you ! And you have no choice!

Just kidding ^^ Thank you very much for your message. Come back here whenever you want, you will be welcome Cory.

Thank you very much Cinna! :^D
Yes, you're not the only person to have missed the famous code. Most of the time it's the enigma of stained glass windows that people have trouble finding the first time. I renamed them the riddle of invisible shapes because of this.
You're right about the secret ending. A game must remain fun for the person playing it ^^
Thanks again !

^^ Thanks to you Hayven ! For your comment and for playing :^)

And it was created for badass gamers like you

Merci beacoup Tatianna ! :^)
Ça me fait plaisir que des personnes comme toi y joue encore aujourd'hui et apprécie. Prends soin toi et une belle journée.

Thank you very much for this comment kaydoo ! :^D
A very beautiful day to you.

Thank you very much Itz :^D

You know, over time, I realize that I didn't even really try to be scary with this game. It's true that there are 2 or 3 moments that are a little scary but above all I wanted to make the atmosphere is mysterious and well done enough for players who love the genre to want to get to the end of the story and understand what is happening in this house. I'm happy that people continue to enjoy it even today.

Come back and play whenever you want, you're welcome. Thank you again for your message Itz and greetings from France ! 

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Hello Saito ! Thank you very much and sorry for that. This bug is rare and occurs in certain conditions which are always very abstract and which depend on the player's set up. The only thing I can advise you is to try on another browser (if you haven't already).

PS : I've hated this bug since the game came out.

I just saw your response after 4 months. When I first read it, it was so full of kindness and good feelings that I said to myself "this is too good to be true, someone must be playing a prank on me"

But if it's true, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your answer Evie. I hope all is well with you. I wish you lots of happiness and success in whatever you want to create.

I think the intensity of a screamers degrades who sees it. This is unfortunately part of the experience that you have to live to get an idea of it.
You can do it :)

Don't worry about your English. I respond and translate messages using Google translate. You could even have written in your native language... Grazie ancora per aver giocato a questo piccolo gioco e per il tuo messaggio. una felice Pasqua a te! ^^

Thank you very much Meta :^D
This is my very first game and I didn't have the necessary experience to do great gameplay. So to compensate, I focused on the elements that you seem to have liked. So it makes me happy to read your message. Thanks again and greetings from France :^)

It's funny you say that. The scene with the monster on the stairs was inspired by a recurring nightmare that some friends and I had.

Thank you very much, Wolf  :^)
Yes, it's true that it's not very long. I didn't yet have the means to prepare a big meal, so I tried to prepare a nice appetizer.
Greetings from France ^^

Hi Virgi ! :^)
It makes me happy that you liked the secret ending ^^ Not everyone necessarily appreciates its bizarre side.

I agree with you, the game could have been longer. But it was my first experience and in the absence of the possibility of saving the game, I preferred to do something more condensed and linear.

Thank you so much for your comment ! Merry Christmas in advance :) Greetings from France!

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There has never been a man with a pale distorted white face !
You created this character because you can't forget the vision of your brother dead and distorted by the car accident you caused 3 years ago !
You must accept what happened that night !... You must forgive yourself !...

Hello LilPumpkinPi ! :^)

Thank you very much for this video Lil. It's always great to see players sharing their let's play.

I noticed that you had encountered problems with loading certain cut scenes, sorry for this problem, I know that this is the kind of thing that can ruin an experience.

Thanks again and greetings from France !

Hello NCNerd :^)

Sorry for what happened. This bug is relatively rare and it seems to be caused by a combination of details linked to a problem that I was unable to find in my code combined with the set of certain players (always in the same 2 places, the ones you as cited). I have never been able to determine precisely where the problem was coming from.

The best I can do is invite you to try with another web browser, if you haven't already done so.

Sincerely sorry, I would like to help you more.

Hi Willow !
Thank you very much for taking the time to make a video about this game. I had already watched it and the "I'm free, bitch..." at the end always makes me laugh ^^.

thanks again and greetings from France !

Merci d'avoir joué à mon jeu, Erkeister.
Aujourd'hui encore,  j'apprécie toujours autant découvrir de nouveaux tests. Particulièrement quand ils viennent de la sphère francophone.
Tu t'es donné du mal pour venir à bout des 2 fins et y consacrer une vidéo sur ta chaîne. Merci beaucoup pour ça :^)

Il y a quelque chose de vraiment cool dans l'ambiance. Bravo.

Hello luvlu :)
Most of the time, when players block in this location it is for a specific reason. Did you pay attention to the shapes around the symbols ?

This banana has way too many skills for this game ! :-D
Thank you very much for playing my game and taking the time to make a video about it. I always enjoy discovering new “let’s play”.
Thank you again and greetings from France :-)

Thank you so much, Megan :-)
I'm glad you liked it. Come back whenever you want !

Bonjour Yazorius :-)

Ça me fait du bien d'avoir le droit à un commentaire en français. Le jeu a surtout fonctionné (toutes proportions gardées) dans les pays anglophones. Du coup, merci avant tout pour ton message, et également de me permettre de retourner un peu vers ma langue natale ^^. C'est mon tout premier jeu, mais j'ai quand même voulu m'appliquer pour compenser la simplicité de l'histoire et du gameplay. Je suis content que ça t'ait plu ! Reviens ici quand bon te semble et prends bien soin de toi :-)

PS : la fin secrète est visionnable sur Youtube (au cas où).