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A member registered Mar 16, 2024

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Br e? Kkkk tbm sou po

Which part has more?

Is yours like that too?

You have to press the walk button twice to break the stone, after this part my cll freezes a lot

Like when I enter the game everything works fine but when I get to the stone part my cll starts having those problems ******

Having a weak and very bad cell phone😭😭😭😭

Tipo assim quando eu entro no jogo funciona tudo de boa mais quando eu chego na parte da pedra meu cll começa a ficar com aqueles problemas 

And if the same problem persists, what do I do? Can I uninstall Discord?

My cell phone doesn't have a memory problem, I just don't know why it crashes. I tried to download an older version and it still gives the same crash problem and a long delay in movements. 

The brand of my phone is a Xiaomi Redimi 10 2022

How do I try to solve this? I can't understand how such a light game crashes so much on my Cell phone🥲

The Android version has a lot of lag and a lot of delay In the controls Please solve this, I really like this game but the way it is I can't play it🥲

If jashinn accepts transfer via pix it would help me a lot😔

And I waited all week for the update and when it finally arrived, she paid. The worst of all is that I live in Brazil and I don't have any type of card that is required when purchasing😭

I beat the game every time, I love the gameplay and I look forward to seeing new updates, but in my opinion starting everything dnv every time gets a little boring.

But beginners won't want to use the codes because they haven't seen the beginning of the game yet. In this case, this code is for those who have already finished the game so it doesn't get a little annoying to reset several times

Ja shinn can I ask you a favor? You can add a teleport code that takes you to the tank where the version was finished 88.4.Because resetting the game every hour gets a little boring. But of course we won't use the code if you change the animations of the initial zombies. thank you🥰

I have a question, if I buy the paid version, will I have to buy it every time a new update is released?

Ja Shinn, what will come again in the next update? New animations 🤩? Do you already have anything planned?

JaShinn update never comes out🥺Where's the update JaShinn I'm already losing hope

Just that?

(3 edits)

Jashinn vc ta de parabéns o jogo ficou mt legal gostei dms do jogo porfavor n abandone esse jogo eu tenho algumas ideais pra proxima versao vc poderia botar um botao em q vc podese se masturbar com os monstros q estao mortos se vc conseguir adicionar outras formas de se masturbar seria perfeito dependendo do nivel de semen no utero da Syahata. Obrigado por ler isso🥰.........Jashinn, congratulations, the game was really cool, I really liked the game, please don't abandon this game, I have some ideas for the next version, could you put a button where you can masturbate with the🥰


Eu coloco o comando mais ele n funciona

Jashinn pq o segundo boss n aparese no android? eu to preso nessa parte se vc conseguir resolver eu vou ficar bem feliz🥰