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I noticed it was made in scratch, I loved scratch when I used it, I still do, but only because my other computer's charger was bitten! You should try roblox studio or unity, they are not so hard when you get used to them! Scratch devs on Itch.IO are underrated, however I will say, I cannot seem to access the game, I do not know if it is my computer or what, good idea overall!
Fight your enemies, play as unique characters, Use abilities to your advantage, defeat CPUs or players!
All of the above you can find on SpiteFight!
Hi! I made 2 games actually,
This is Shover a game about shoving people in the lava for score, fight bosses, play minigames , play vs. with a friend, and more! link: https://jelehman.itch.io/shover
This, is Shover Maker, a game about creating your own Shover-like mini-game!
Add Bosses, Play-test, clear conditions, and more! link: https://jelehman.itch.io/shover-maker