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A member registered Feb 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Yeah I do need to balance that part of the game a bit and maybe make it a bit easier

Nice one!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback, yeah I had to rush that part of the game unfortunately because I didn’t give myself enough time to do it, and I’m still quite new to godot

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Glad you enjoyed it!

forgot to add this in the game:


WASD / arrow keys to move

Space to attack

thanks for the feedback! Yeah I totally forgot about the controls while making it, sorry about that 🤦, and I agree with adding more of those kind of feedback, glad you enjoyed it!

Awesome game! I loved the mechanic of scaling the ship and I think it fits very well with the theme, my only bit of feedback was I found myself sticking mostly to the two extremes, either a very tiny ship or the huge one to do maximum damage to the enemies. Also I liked the simplistic asteroids-like style! (:

Neat idea!

Great idea! Unfortunately the game bugged at lvl 6 for me as the ball endlessly got sucked into the planet at the start, so I couldn't shoot at all.

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If the game runs badly on the web(some people have had problems, some haven’t), please try downloading it, it should hopefully run faster (:

If this game runs badly on the browser, please try downloading it (:

If you're on a Mac, try opening it through the app if you haven't already