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A member registered Oct 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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How did you know I needed a candy tileset!? This is way better than the piecemeal tileset I was using. You guys are so amazing. (crossing my fingers for a colorful alien or fairy world next). :)

Beautiful work, as always. I love how often you guys release new packs. Bought the full set on your Black Friday sale. So much potential with all the different types of tilesets. Looking forward to using them for my dream game once I finish my first game :)

Thank you. I actually didn't write the number because I didn't know you needed it lol. Sorry about that. I pretty much only use discord to play jackbox with my friends. I'll add you the next time I'm on.

Sorry it took so long for me to respond. My mother passed away a few weeks ago so I've been kind of stretched thin lately. I do have a discord and it's the same username as here (Jennavieve).

Thanks for trying the game out! Appreciate you sharing the video for your playthrough too, it's so helpful to get a visual of other people playing the game and seeing how they interact with things. I definitely agree that there isn't much to do as of now. I'm still very new to RPG Maker and this is my first game so I pretty much just wanted to get some feedback on the direction of the story and writing to see if people even like the basic concept before I dump hundreds of hours into development.

I have added some more to the game since this upload though, primarily in the town. I'll be uploading another update shortly after the Spooktacular Spooktober contest is done. :)

I really do love your music, a lot of the tracks fit the broken game theme perfectly. I'm actually going to be posting an update later tonight. Still just in the demo phase but there will be a decent amount more than there is now. Thanks for checking it out!

Thank you so much! This is my first serious attempt at a decent game so I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it. I'm working on it little by little so stay tuned for another update to the demo soon. :)

Lol I'm dumb, it said that right on the title screen. I saw the keys and assumed it was WASD.

This was really cute and fun. Way more challenging than I was expecting though. It's so hard to avoid the dogs. There seems to be a bug with using WASD for the controls though. S and D worked fine but hitting W and A did nothing. It works fine if you use the arrows instead though.

Neat idea. Wish there was a little more to it though. Would be nice to see an expansion with different levels and goals for the levels. It was fun flinging the squares for a few minutes though, especially when I realized you could make them spin :)

That's awesome! I didn't expect any non-RPG fans to take interest in the game so I'm glad you enjoyed it. I definitely am putting my heart into it. I've enjoyed working on it more than I expected. Thanks for playing :)

(2 edits)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the beginning!  I definitely didn't get to put as much time into it as I wanted to this weekend. I did add a couple of things today like making the organ playable so I might add an update to my jam entry later tonight just so there's a little something more for people to check out for now. It's definitely nowhere near complete yet but I'm going to do my best to complete it as soon as possible so people can have a full game to enjoy within the next couple of months. Stay tuned 🙂 

Thanks so much for trying it out! It's funny that you mention the organ too because I literally just finished adding that to the game. I never thought about the number of lines in the text boxes either. I'll try that out later. I'd love to add some lighting too but I gotta figure out how to do all that first lol. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts. :)

Really cool game. Loved the concept, art, and music.

Just wanted to stop by and say that your music is amazing and I can't believe you released it for free. It sounds like professional quality music and I would have been happy to at least pay you a few dollars for it. I'm working on a game that will mostly be using your music for the soundtrack. Do you have any plans to release any more music packs in the future? I'd love to download more of your beautiful work.

I'm excited at how it's coming along so far for a newb. Just hoping I can get it done in the timeframe. =/

It took a little tweaking of the event's speed but it works, thank you!

Screen shake is one of the event options if you're using RPG Maker. I wasn't planning on using it for mine anyway though so it's not a problem for me either. I'm just glad we didn't get the "no enemies" limitation because that would've killed my idea lol

Awesome! Guess I'll get crackin then :)

I've never participated in a game jam before (or even finished making a game yet) but I'm interesting in participating because the theme lines up perfectly with an idea I had just come up with. My time is limited so if I do enter something, it won't be very long as far as gameplay time goes. Does it matter how long the game is?

Great plugin thank you! I'm not very artistically inclined so I love having the option to just turn one of my maps into the title screen. It's easy enough to use too. Is there a way to make the camera simply pan in a certain direction and stop at an x or y coordinate? I'd really like to do that but all I can see are the options for static and to follow an event.

These are great, thank you! I especially love Prairie, it reminds me of the world map music from FF8 <3

Awesome! Thanks again

Question... is there a limit to how many times you can use these under one purchase? Like if I sold a game using these, would I have to purchase again before being able to use them in another game?

I love your designs so much I bought the whole bundle. I can't stand how cartoony most tilesets look and the amount of detail in your textures are awesome. Using these for my first attempt at making a game. Can't wait to see what else you have coming in the future :)

Thanks for posting these. I'm at the very beginning stages of making a game but I definitely wanna use this song in it. I'll share it with you when/if I ever finish :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for sharing! I especially like Haunted Hill. Also, where do the tileset graphics come from on the collection's picture? Is it available for download anywhere?

Awesome! I signed up on your page. Can't wait to see what you guys have coming in the future =)

These are fantastic, thank you!!

I love these tracks! Can't wait to download and try them out in my game. Will gladly donate the $3 and still give you credit, etc.

(1 edit)

Your tilesets are my absolute favorite available on itch. I love the sense of realism in your designs. I'd love to buy your entire collection but it's a little out of my budget. Do you have any plans to make discounted bundles in the future? Other than the dungeons set I mean.