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Jeon Jungle-Book

A member registered Mar 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Noob question but how do you update on pc from 5.5.1 to 0.6? Dont want to start fresh.

it's already done, the story that is.

another answer is that phoenixes exist and they're focusing on it.

to save people's time:

v17 will be the last major update for this game, shame really but I enjoyed this more than any other game out there.

Is that a sunshot handcannon from destiny 2 in one of the preview screenshots? Careful man, bungie might y'know..... 

its your phone's problem. maybe youre still running on old android which doesnt support newer games like this. tried to instal dead cells into android 6/marshmallow and it didnt work. its not in the file size since in my tcl plex which has snapdragon 675 and android 10, i could still install 2gbs apk.

As Sleepy said the Scientist's computer and also the device that let's you enter passcode for the scientist's door is buggy. Game is unplayable since you can't get out of there and stuck. The bug is on Android where if it asks you for password, the moment you press a single letter or number, it'll show the error page. Maybe it'll be fixed if you implement a virtual keyboard instead since it'll crash if you use a your keyboard in your phone, i also tested this using a physical keyboard and still the same, error. Currently stuck there.

You could just use joiplay for both windows and Android and not port the game into android(apk) at all so you could release faster by reducing the amount of workload of porting it. Just a suggestion. 

Quite demanding i must say this game is. Maybe put a requirement to let our potato pc players know if their rig can handle this.

Bro so uhhh i use joiplay in Android since when i looked at the files sizes, it looks like you compressed them and i thought the quality of animations were more meh than uncompressed pc version and that's why i used joiplay. To the question, how do i move the save file from .14 to .18? I'm a complete noob in this. Thanks for future response. 

Read the whole post again. Swipe down for menu then go to save. Smh

Boi, i can tell. You haven't played the full game. The money? You'll get the point of why it's there after the prologue. Also only vera and senning? Have you seen the other girls? Bruhhhh you clearly defied the quote "don't judge a book by it's cover"

So uh is it me or is the android version bugged in main menu?  I can navigate the menu but the texts are invisible and non-responsive also there is no music. Phone is TCL Plex

Ngl i wanted to shotgun your face when that "to be continued" popped up hahahahaha. 

Good one. You had me there 👏👏👏

Same, I just made an acc to praise this game . If only i don't have a tight budget(hs working student) I'd really really like to donate just so you can continue your work. 1000/100 would fucking recommend.