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A member registered Jan 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, very nice model!

Retro style backgrounds, sprites, UI;

  • Platforms, obstacles, environment items:
  • Chip-tune background loops or soundtracks

Hi! Nice sword!

 But not finished. Model doesn't have textures or materials that means it's not game ready. And this place has weird topology:

Good luck! 

Hi! I like the clean shape and silhouette. Also very cool that you tried to destroy symmetry on Crossbow legs:

But topology has some issues. Obviously you don't need these edges:

Instead of these approach use "Inset" tool:

Good luck!

Wow! You are right! 

Lol File size is 32kb. Sorry... :)


Nice lowpoly axe. Clean shape. But too havy for a game model --> 36 Mb! (Jesus!! :D )

Screw should be merged with the axe. In best case scenario created with texture (baked from High poly mesh to lowpoly to get normal map). Polycount for such small object is too high:

Blade topology is ok but for handle again too much edges. As you can see, only 12 edges is completely enough using "Shade smooth" option:

Good luck! :)

Why you are still using 2.79 version? :)

You don't need so much polygons to represent helmet geometry.  

Also topology is too dense in some places. On both parts: helmet and glass same issues.

1. Unnecessary edge loops because they do nothing with geometry. Only will slow down performance in game engine.

2. Too dense topology. Better use "Mark sharp" + Edge split modifier.

Fine result for 1 hour. Next time try achieve same smooth shape with at least 5 times less polygon count (and in 2.8 software version). :) 


Clean topology and UV.  Beautiful ground material and lightning in attached .Blend scene. 

By the way renders from Blender looks so much prettier than your cover image. Good work!