I'm sorry still working on it, I'm getting ready to deliver on some news about it soon, but for the most part I say the new build is roughly 75% done. Long story short I wanted to reboot the games systems and not have it run on spaghetti code as well as set up the proper game loop that isn't just wake up and farm.
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it's not the current game was being run on a bunch of broken code that I somehow managed to put together, but I'm going back over it and making a version that does what I intended to do but better I hope to get something out within this year, sorry for the dead air I just don't see constantly saying "this function works now" every 2-3 weeks or so.
sickles only delete crops when used on them only certain crops will give you something if you use the sickle on them like grass. I'm planning to make other crops give you something when the sickle cuts them like wheat and rice but that will be later as I am currently over hauling the game. Hope that helps :).
I don't know anything about that are you trying to play the game through itch, if so I didn't set anything like that up. If you are trying to download the zip then thats a major problem.
Edit: if you are looking at the update notes the previous versions of the game are not there if it doesn't say V4 then nothing will be there I don't know why itch is keeping those when I told it to delete it. sorry for the inconvenience.