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A member registered Feb 25, 2019

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Honestly, an AMAZING and very well done game. I LOVED this game. I live-streamed it on my channel and I couldn't get enough of it, so I streamed the other half as well just tonight! I loved the mechanics, the scares, enemies, everything was super well done and I am looking forward to whatever you do next. I am going to suggest this to friends and see if I can get others to play it. Amazing job!

Really enjoyed this simple, but fun concept :) I hope if there are future updates there can be some other things happening in the lab like the scientist coming in and needing you to mix chemicals or something on the side while you're there figuring out which monsters to make! Would be fun to just have a timed side objective as well. But overall great, fun game and I hope to see more in the future 馃槉

Awesome game and really loved the art style, reminded me of Inscryption. The game was fun, with the right amount of random and creepy. Hoping to see more from you in the future like this! Great job! :)

I love how the game turns from a fun find your friend game to having a  funny and crazy twist! It was a super fun game, I LOVED it and I am looking forward to your next releases :) Keep up the amazing work!

This was my favorite game in my 3 Scary Games video this week!

This game is AMAZING! I really liked the first chapter. It gave you a great sense of paranoia as soon as you got to the gas station. I didn't do much exploration around the area of the church but after I was done, I questioned if I could have explored all of that or not. I was unsure if there was actually stealth of you avoiding aliens when the edge of the screen turned red or not, but it was still very well done. I am looking forward to chapter 2 and can't wait until you release it. I'm very pleased to hear that you already have 90% of it done!

I am going to be on the lookout for the updates to the game and I am so excited to see more :)

This game was AWESOME! I loved the vibe of it, the graphics, the gameplay, it was all very well done, and for FREE?! You are a star developer, that's for sure! It takes a few tries to learn the game, but overall it's a blast. The only thing I wish was after the first death, you could skip the tutorial part, but that is honestly my only complaint. It's a trial and error game, so of course that is what happened when I played - many errors. I will recommend this to others, because I am happy it was recommended to me :) Keep creating amazing games!

Another fun horror game! Adding in hard mode only made me more excited to beat it! Hopefully a sequel is in the works because the extended ending made me want more! Can't wait to see your next game 馃榿 great job as usual

I really enjoyed this short little secret recipe robbery game lol I just thought we were on a recipe heist until the ending! 馃槀 I didn't expect us to do all that to Ronald. Poor guy, hopefully his burger recipe was worth it. I put this game in my 3 Scary Games series and I look forward to other games you make!

This game was pretty cool! I liked how the scenes looked switching between anomalies and really enjoyed the scares! My one concern was how many different types of reporting there were, cause at first it looks very intimidating but after playing a while, it became obvious which ones should go to what reports.
Thanks for the awesome game and I look forward to seeing more of your games in the future :) I added your game to my 3 Scary Games series and I really loved playing it!

It was okay on direction, I just didn't pay attention :P haha it was a great game and can't wait to play another of yours :)!

I am happy to give you a motivation boost :) haha I really did enjoy it! I can't wait for your next game :D!

I really enjoyed this one! I think it had a great pacing and was creepy whenever the lights went out! I was a bit confused on how the camera works at first because when I pulled it out it started out saying "encoding error" so I just put the camera away not realizing the light would flicker on and off. Eventually I figured it out haha Besides that it was a good game and hope to see more games that you create :) I added this to my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube!

This game was well done and I enjoyed the design of the monster! It looked super cool :) I would love to have more story included in the game because it made me want more! Will check out your other games and hoping to see more from you soon! I have your game in my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube :)

This game had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! I really enjoyed the build-up of atmosphere and how you created such a creepy environment in one house! Bravo on this and I hope to see more of the bite size terrors series, because I am really loving this! :) Can't wait until your next creation!!

no thanks :) 

I LOVE this game :) I featured this in a 3 scary games video! Even though I have known of your game forever, I decided to give it a try now! I downloaded right before the update and will definitely make another video the second you get that night 2 out! Super excited and keep up the amazing work! :D!

I really liked this game! I hope that there will be more levels cause I had a bunch of fun being chased and trying to find the ending to the levels :) Looking forward to whatever you make next! I added this game to my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube, so thanks for making an awesome game :D!

I am excited to see the passion project you are working on because if this is what you make after a WEEK!? I am HYPED! This was a great remake and I think this had more heart into it than the actual game lol but I am super excited for your next project and look forward to it :) 

I added your game to my 3 Scary Games series and I can't wait to play your next!

Well, well, well... we meet again lol This was quite the experience. Mooshie really surprised me with the end-goal that he had in mind! Your games are hilarious and as always, I look forward to the games you create! Can't wait for the next masterpiece ;) featured in my 3 Scary Games series YET AGAIN! 

A fun game and very short experience :) I enjoyed the jumpscares and chase scene and look forward to playing other games you make!  The ending chase was a bit slow though, but I can see why since you wanted to extend the experience :P
I featured this in my 3 Scary Games series and was pleasantly surprised!

Honestly an awesome, short game that I really enjoyed :)! I am excited to play the 2nd one to see how it's changed and I am looking forward to it. I featured this game in my 3 Scary Games series and will  feature the sequel at some point, for sure!

I did enjoy this game, but I wish there was more of a threat from him on collecting the first few pizza slices. Maybe him walking around and trying to find you while you search for the slices? I think that would make for a more exciting game :) either way it was a good game and I had fun playing 馃槉 I featured this game in my 3 scary games series on YouTube

I actually really enjoyed this game, apart from the full on blurriness lol I think that was the only negative I had of the game. I really enjoyed the story, build up, and everything, but I just get sick off blurriness and motion so that's why 馃槀 either way I endured through it because I enjoyed the game so much 馃槉 I put this game in my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube and I think everyone enjoyed it as well 馃榿

I really liked this game and didn't expect multiple levels 馃槀 It's much better than I thought and the voice lines had me cracking up! I need to play more of your creations!

Thank YOU so much! I really enjoyed and look forward to the full release :) You are a badass game dev and I definitely want to support any way I can! 

Finally uploaded! lol I didn't expect a 40 minute video to show the TRUE ending, but here we are haha amazing game, amazing job on the game,  I loved every second of it! I can't wait to play the full game. Was the golden flashlight necessary for the true ending? lol was wondering if it was just like a trophy? But honestly one of the best indie horrors I've played this year already and it's just the prologue 馃榿 excited to see where the game goes :)! Thank you for making a banger 馃槈

editing the video today after work! I did NOT expect that at all 馃槺

Nevermind, found the true ending ;)

How many tapes would there be? 馃 And do I need a specific one playing while I get this true ending?

This game was awesome! Very surprised to see a fairly long game and one that was super creepy! I definitely will be following you and can't wait to see your other games in the future :) I played it in my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube and loved it

This game was CRAZY! I loved it and wanted more. I hope you keep making games cause I am looking forward to whatever you have in store :) I played your game in my 3 Scary Games series and I will for sure check out your other games!

I will find this somehow... 馃

Alright, I went back into the game and had to try to beat the cave route and finding more tapes! Did I complete everything? Is there another ending?! I need to know, I am loving this game so much! I put it in my 3 Scary Games series since I was coming back to it and didn't think I would die so many times 馃槀

This was a masterpiece lol I loved how odd and random the game was and it made me laugh way too much haha I remembered your other game from The Forgotten Tapes: Analog Nightmares and in that one as well, I really enjoyed the game! I need more from you and I can't wait to see what else you have in store! I had this as part of my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube and it was a great laugh!

This was a good, short game! I wanted a bit more while walking through the hiking trail, but overall a great game! Hoping to see more games from you in the future :) I had this game in my 3 Scary Games series on my YouTube channel

I LOVED THIS GAME! I honestly can't wait for the full release and hope it will be a challenging and fun experience :) I got one of the endings, somehow haha but I really am looking forward to the full game and will be there on the release ready to play 馃槑

This was a great concept and you really did leave me wanting more! This could possibly be a slender-type game where after leaving the house, roots shoot up through your cop car forcing you to run to the woods. You find an enclosed area and need to destroy all the root idols to survive? I hope to see more from this game in the future 馃槉 I played it in my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube and enjoyed it a bunch!

I really enjoyed this game, but was left wanting so much more 馃槶 this demo left me with a good idea of how the game will play, but also left me wondering if I was able to unlock more in this demo! I guess that's up to me to find out, but I really enjoyed the game and can't wait for the full release! Might have to go back and play the earlier demo! 馃槉 This was the 3rd game I played in my 3 Scary Games series on YouTube 馃榿 can't wait for the full release!

For your first game this was really well done :) I enjoyed it and like that you have different modes - like hell mode! I am looking forward to your next release because your games can only go up from here 馃槃 I featured your game in my 3 scary games series :) Keep up the great work!