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A member registered Jan 11, 2017

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I know right? It's also perfect for game jams because you can create all your game assets within the same program and distribute to all platforms. I can't wait for the music editor to be completed!

BTW, we could create some game jams here using only TIC, it would be awesome.

(1 edit)

You can also use the "tostring" function, like this:

print( tostring( i), 10, 10)

So there's no way i can use it fullscreen without borders? Couldn't be made in a way that the "pixels" sizes are relative to the window size? Something like this:

pixel_size_x = window_width / 240

pixel_size_y = window_height / 136

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hi to all, i'm new here and i love this program, soon i'll be making some games with it, but seriously why there is this black border even on fullscreen? Is there some utility that i'm not aware of? If not, could you please remove it? It would be awesome.
