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A member registered Oct 09, 2019

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also you can have a room for Phil to do “experiments” and can invite desires there too 😆

that would be really cool to see!

this might be a big change, but what if you make the basement of the mansion a "training" area? Currently its more rooms for desires, but i think there are already a lot of rooms in the upper floors so it would be interesting to have something different. It could be a place to train the desires in different stats, for example in romance, hardcore, etc where you'd do some activity in each room to increase each stat by a little bit OR learn moves to be able to use or something. Like maybe a tickling room where you can tickle the desires, a room to use the whip wink wink, a rope room to tie them up or yourself, and other hot stuff :P

hope you feel better soon!

I really like Haori as well, but Its hard to pick just one favorite. Personally I picked lanch but he's tied for me with Xora and Jamie (and maybe Crue but slightly less)? I kinda wish I picked differently though after seeing the results though to get some more representation for Jamie lol

I think I personally like the idea of picking designs you have made in a poll better actually.

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lol me neither, i actually just searched up types of underwear to find out the names on google images. Maybe you could put a picture of the types in an update, then have a poll with just the names, and then color for the parts like strap, and main colour. Maybe also a specialty design poll for underwear like a suit one or some other specific design on them, or an underwear with suspenders? If pictures are required could the images be posted on an update since the polls are text only? I also think you designing some for a desire and making a poll to pick the favorite would be equally fun if thats easier!

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It could even just be in a desires bio section about underwear color or what they prefer

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I don't know what you think of this, but can you makes polls or something alike for designing underwear for some of the existing desires? i was talking to someone else about this and i think it would be popular to add some personality to each of their underwear and some of them could look pretty hot~   it could be an event each week to design one for each desire through the polls if you don't have any yet

Cool thanks for the reply!

is there an ETA for the slave market option? also will it ever be possible to get the cute boy thats with the slave master lady? hehe great game by the way, excited to see where it goes