the Original Science-Fiction Roleplaying Game. Mostly it's 2d6+modifier vs a target number.
Jesse Q
A member registered Oct 02, 2019 · View creator page →
Creator of
Kung fu action. Take on crowds! Learn new techniques! Be awesome!
The Little Scratches expansion for a team of covert operative specialists.
80s tabloids for Little Scratches. Psychics! Aliens! Elvis!
Swashbuckling expansion for Little Scratches. Pirates! Musketeers! Masked brigands!
Role Playing
A film noir expansion on a business card for Little Scratches. What's in your flask?
The first expansion for Little Scratches. It's a western! there's a playlist! Drunk.
I will not claim sobriety while writing this tiny, traditional (not OSR), flexible RPG.
Recent community posts
Found my way here while looking for 2d6 OSR stuff (you know what I'm talking about), and being someone who digs Blake's 7, this clearly got my attention. Now, my expectation was the same thing I find from just about every other 2d6 OSR adaptation - basically a list of guns and vehicles, which is not at all what Blake's 7 is about, but what I've seen with other RPG approaches, so I was ready to be disappointed.
But! Bounties and infamy.
So much is implied here. Simple character creation that doesn't just tell what a character can do, but why they're doing it. There's motivation, world building, and characterization, in such an efficient package.