The code already exists for scene replaying, I'll take a look at tweaking it and reintroducing it sometime this month. Thanks for the feedback. :)
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Recent community posts
Sometime this month there will be a poll on what-I-should-work-on-next and I'll add a futa goblin girl route option for you. Even free Patrons get a vote.
You can play it over on my Newgrounds. It's a lot simpler in every aspect, but the horny is still there.
Would anyone be interested in an HD remake of the first game?
The Web-based and Desktop versions are the exact same game, just in different formats. I'm currently trying to patch a bug with saving/loading in the web-based version as it doesn't work when the browser blocks third-party cookies. I don't believe this issue happens in the Desktop version. Let me know if things are still unclear. Perhaps I'll add some more detailed installation notes.
You can't get to Emis erotic scenes? My logic says you need to have done 'Poolside' and 'Bedroom' scenes to unlock it. I was able to get to them from both Itch and NG. Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing? Maybe I'll make a flowchart for people.
I appreciate you letting me know there is an issue. :)
Currently working on one ;)