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A member registered Oct 07, 2022

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Your choice, you just need to make her combat training to S+ and have her at 0 or 200 corruption

The girl that bullies Rahi is Avy, Idk if she will get her true storyline because the fightclub is kinda her storyline, she's a shemale dominant bitch who can be taken off of her high horse.

You can, you need to wait until day 33 I believe? Quinn will give you a summary of your actions and you will be capable of either keeping the cage or releasing from it.

Quinn also doesn't have her individual storyline, she seems to have a rather bad relationship with her mother but outside of that it's not very expanded, it's not as obvious though because she has a lot of content related to her (Rahi, Tavi, Chastity Cage, Obedience Trial, Messing with Avy, and now Alex shenanigans)

A lot of content revolves around her, but not about her more or less.

4 Endings technically

High Corruption Tavi, Accept the Deal

High Corruption Tavi, Kill the Captain

Low Corruption Tavi, Deny the Deal

Low Corruption Tavi, Accept the Deal

They all have their own little variations too, for instance if you did Rahi quest to its entirety she will show up too and be on the Deal with the Captain.

I understood almost nothing about what you said but I am going to try to help

Tavi is basically a genetic mess, she was artificially made by Jaxon and her Ai friend, she is not a demon or anything that thing was just drugs which showed their worst fear (on Tavi's route that fear is being under control by Tavi, forever and with blatant disregard towards you)

Kait is important, she did snitch your plan but her interference helped on allowing you to escape for real.

There are 2 endings, one where you in the end escape and the other you basically help the Captain, but this is only one route and there are two more planned (Kait's building up a team which is likely Switch, and Captain's route which is likely Dom) 

Could probably skip to the toddler phase and act like nothing happened, it did pass almost 3 months in game or so.

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I am fairly certain she is actually half-fae or perhaps something more which is why she isn't very affected by Mc powers, her name seems to sort out as Sphynx and hidden voices show she is saying a riddle to herself.

I just finished 19.9 and if there is anything I could complain is only the lack of a "Debuff" ability we could use like the Opponents have and that is a really niche complaint, otherwise, I really liked this new combat system!

So here are the mechanics, it's a Dice battle

You and your opponent have 3 dices, you can put them in 4 categories of acts you can do: Attack, Seduce, Defense, and Magic.

Attack: Physical damage, takes a notch of their health bar.

Seduce: Lust attack, takea a notch of their mental (I suppose?) bar.

Defense: Your defense, if the die is higher than your opponent attack/seduce  then you get no damage.

Magic: So far you can either use Endure (increases the die in your defense by 2, so if you put a dice with value of 1 then it comes out as 3) or Shattering which I will never use out of principle (I am still sorry Chloe) so I am uncertain of what it can do but I believe it recruits them and forces their loyalty.

Your enemies spells tend to revolve with Debuffs against you

Lastly if your dice is double of theirs (4 vs 2 for instance) then you do double damage/lust damage but the same goes the opponent too.

Ngl ESPECIALLY without the NSFW is what made me like the game, the naughty scenes are just a bonus.

But it didn't even release yet lol

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Stonks.ic is best way to get money imo, the last stock is hella expensive and can take awhile to buy even 1 stock, buuuuut selling it when it's high allows you to get a shit load of money.

Praise be the Bogdanoffs \T/

You get it by just going through the ORG lead storyline and then visiting Lyx.

Adulteress quirk for Jessica is also on ORG storyline.

I got that on first try by complete accident when I invited Hana, and realised the potential issue midway through.

I could not stop laughing for 5 minutes and I may or may have not spent 4 in-game days trying to see if Ard was on the table too.

So to advance the College story you need to meet the Witch of the Woods and train under her a bit until you get a specific new power and then you go there to teach.

When you unlock the new location, just go there at night and visit them again in the morning to buy the college.

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How it Started:Hahah man this is a funny lil' 18+ game! I am just going to play it for a few minutes before dropping to do some other things, but man this sure is a funny and wacky adventure haha!


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I don't tend to write feedback comments so please bear with me a little.


* The Grammar is good

*The descriptions tend to work quite well


* Lack of player agency, we are being thrown around like a ball in the pinball machine and we are forced into doing things no matter what, the MC lacks reactions and is just a push-over.

*The plot for me is uhh, weird to say the least, so you are saying that we got detained because we had no papers which I can get behind, THEN we get forced into joining the police force against our will because of that for inducted servitude (read: slavery) or else we have jail time, it's like the ICE department detaining an immigrant and forcing them to work to them, it doesn't make sense to me.

*Appearances are not touched upon for a large part of the game, it doesn't matter if we are tall, short, or average, it that doesn't matter then why is it in-game to begin with? They don't really contribute to anything aside, it's especially notable on the Dragon size where it feels nothing truly changes even if you decide to become a large Dragon or a small one.

*Characters so far feel generally unlikeable for me, Reese and Atlas just feel so hostile and I don't feel interested in getting to know them nor do I care what happens to them.

Don't get me wrong though on the fact I believe there are more noticeable negatives than positives for I believe it has potential, your writing is pretty good and for a first work I think it was pretty damn good, so Goob Job in writing this.