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A member registered Nov 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks all for the comments! I'm really glad you all like the game. For the ones interested, if you don't die you get another final ending haha. 

Maybe, this is a really dumb question but... I can only use chiptune music and sfx for this jam right?

Thanks! Keep jamming.

Really like your games! Any medium i can contact you just to talk and stuff?

Well hi! Im a really beginner gamedev/pixelartist that just figures out one year ago that games are not magic-make-things and since then im trying to learn programming and learn all about this craft to make games to maybe one day make it my living job, im currently in Spain doing an internship for a lab (im a material engineer) but would really like to change career path to a gamedev one since i discovered i do really like this medium.

I would really like to meet people and talk about games, about art in general and maybe science! If you are just a beginner as me can contct me via my twitter @Jeuiop, i post @Pixel_dailies and the progress of my gamedev, im trying to make little weekly protoypes with the most polished i can make them just to learn basic game design.

Have fun!