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Jonny Haldas

A member registered Jun 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Does every character you make have an attack animation or only some?

Very fun.  Deserved a much higher rating than what it got.

How do I play this im stuck on tutorial slide :(

The original plan was to have the player find items as they play and those items would give access to more powerful attacks.  But, we weren't able to implement that in time unfortunately.

Every game you make is EPIC!  Please make more :)

Definitely a top 2 game and it ain't #2

The ending was sick!

The art is very nice, gameplay a little glitchy, cat kept getting stuck on 3rd level.

I like that the curtains help you.  But, I had to adjust the framerate to make him slower.  

WOW, just like -~Undertale~-... BUT BETTER O_O...  In all honesty, great art and simple but fun idea, very polished for 4 days.  Great job.

This game is totally poggers