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Jonathan Hawkins

A member registered Mar 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's amazing to me that this was made in a mere 48 hours. That's an incredible accomplishment. I enjoyed this game quite a bit (I got 8 out of 10 correct) and appreciate having had the opportunity to try it out.

I jotted down a few ideas or suggestions that I had while playing:

  • A "new game" or similar button at the end would have been nice, for players who wanted to start back over again easily and try another round of it. Not strictly necessary though. It's easy enough to close out the game, reload the page, and try again.
  • Adding an element of randomization would really help give the game better replayability. Of course it would require more dialog to be added, either having multiple variations per character, or maybe add more characters that the game could randomly pick from out of a pool of 20 total or something, with 10 for each game session.
  • You could also add difficulty levels with easier clues and more vague/cryptic ones too. You already do have a degree of variance with that in place as it is.

There were also a few spelling/punctuation corrections to make in some of the dialogs that I noticed:

Granny's Lines

"I'm sorry to bother you but I seem to be in a bit of a pickle."

    Should have a comma after "you"

"Oh, wont you please help me find the one who did it?"

    "Wont" needs to have an apostrophe.

"My grand kids never believe me when I warn them about that but its true!"

    "Grand kids" should be "grandkids" instead, you need a comma after "that", and "its" needs an apostrophe.

"Scars? Oh, heavens no, I would hope not. Even for a ruffigan like themselves."

    You may want an exclamation point instead of a period after "not" for emphasis. Also "ruffigan" was intentional I'm guessing, as a portmanteau of "hooligan" and "ruffian"? If not, you probably want to pick one of those two instead.

Farmer's Lines

"I could barely tell under all that thick bushy beard."

    You probably want a comma after "thick" here for a natural pause.

"Ain't you listenin?! Dark! Dark hair, I say! HE MILKED MY COW!!!"

    "Listenin" should have an apostrophe at the end.

"Lookin' real guilty of a COW MILKIN! But I can see RIGHT through that facade!"

    "MILKIN" should have an apostrophe at the end.

Art Gallery Owner's Lines

"I require reperation for the incredible wrongdoing done to my establishment!!"

    "Reperation" should be "reparation" instead.

"Unbothered by the atrocities they have committed! But no winds or lashes is stronger than me, an art gallery owner."

    Either change "is" to "are" to reflect the plural, or change "winds" to "wind" and "lashes" to "lash" to make it singular instead.

"Like it didn't bother pulling it's weight when the face was molded from the earth."

    "It's" should be "its" here instead, without the apostrophe.

I really admire developers that take a non-violent approach like this to their game's design. I had a lot of fun playing this, and appreciate having been given the opportunity.

As I played through, I jotted down some ideas I had for suggestions and possible improvements:

  • Some encounters leave you with no choice but to use health tokens, as they don't appear with the right types of tokens that match the ones you actually have.
    • This makes the odds feel a bit unfairly stacked against the player sometimes, especially when they have a lot of other types of tokens that they should have been able to use.
  • I played through 4 games before writing these notes (once for each character type) and most of the time, I lost at the final encounter, simply by running out of tokens. It requires a hefty amount, and usually by then I was low on tokens, so could only proceed partway before having to substitute everything with health tokens.
    • Maybe reduce those final encounters to requiring 1 or even 2 fewer tokens overall? It can be challenging enough just reaching the end encounter sometimes, depending on how events played out up till that point.
  • The font sizes for most of the text in the main dialog box and the tooltips felt a little too small for my liking at 1920x1080 with the download version. An option to adjust it would be nice, or just a larger size by default.

Overall though, this was a fantastic experience that works quite well, felt unique and refreshing, and encourages repeat play sessions to boot. Thank you for making and sharing this wonderful game.

I took the liberty of doing a proofread/editing pass as I was playing through Mackenzie's Season 1 route in Havenfall. I wanted to share what I found with those working on the project, and I hope it is of assistance to your efforts. I've broken it up into the individual episodes for easier reference.


LINE 426: Missing a close parenthesis at the end of the sentence.



LINES 65-67, 305, 328-335, 545-547: The blinking animation for Mackenzie very briefly flashes a red error message on the screen. The issue seems to be happening with the up-close, zoomed-in views for her character sprite art in various outfits and expressions.

LINE 268: Says "angles" but probably meant "dangles"

LINE 417: Left out the word "on" at the end of the sentence.

LINE 537: Left out the word "on" after "going"



LINES 44-61, 182-185, 467-468, 483-485, 538-572: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 496: Shows MC's name when it should be Mackenzie's line.

LINE 520: Missing a close parenthesis at the end of the sentence.

LINE 571: NameError: name 'hiflRsuspense' is not defined (error message appears for playing the audio track. The ignore option allows the story to successfully continue.)

LINE 617: Missing a close parenthesis at the end of the sentence.

LINE 689: The same red error message issue with Mackenzie's character sprite, but it also applies to Damien's in the close-up view here as well.



LINE 122: "eye" should probably be "eyes" instead.

LINES 163-164, 171-173, 181-187, 673-689: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 380: Either it's a pop culture or slang reference I don't recognize, or else "freakingpromise out" is simply an error that should read "freaking out" instead.



LINE 42: It says "bowling early" but it seems like "bowling alley" was the intended word instead.

LINE 103: You're probably well aware of this one already, but the text "MISSING CHOICE" is displayed as a placeholder, rather than the part of the conversation that would normally appear after choosing the "Nothing's sunk in yet" response.

LINES 226-228: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 228: This line says "force" but should be "forced" instead.

LINE 290: It says "family's" but should just be "family" instead.

LINE 300: A typo of the word "anything" here has it with an extra letter H.

LINE 318: Two corrections to make here. "Brew" should be "brews" and there's an extra letter M after "expression" to be removed.

LINE 351: "Trun" should be "turn" instead.

LINE 358: "Track" makes more sense as "tracks" here.

LINE 424: "Lak" should be "Lake" instead.

LINE 467: "Mind" should be "mine" here instead.

LINE 485: Two fixes here. "We" should be "he" presumably referencing Damien. "Shot" should be "short" instead.

LINE 490: "Nap" should be "nape" here.

LINES 490-496: The same red error message issue with Mackenzie's character sprite, but it also applies to Annabelle's in the close-up view here as well.

LINES 549-559: I'm not sure if this is an error or not, but during the transition from the CG art to the sprite art w/background that takes place during these lines, you can see the transparent background grey checkerboard briefly, rather than the usual fade-to-black transition effect.



LINE 45: "Bnares" should be "bares" instead.

LINE 196: "Should" needs to be "shoulder" here instead.

LINES 196-397: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 478: The second instance of the word "first" should be "fist" here instead. This line might also benefit from changing "First thing I thought it was a bird" to something like "First thing I thought was that it was a bird" or simply "At first I thought it was a bird" instead.

LINE 493: "Bit" should be "but" instead.

LINE 596: "Beard" should be "bears" instead.



LINES 54-56, 64-149: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 196: Typo of the second instance of the word "phone" here.

LINE 289: "Lay's" here should be "lays" instead.

LINE 337: I'm not certain about this one, but I believe "internet" was intended to say "interest" here instead. Unless Annabelle hates cafe wifi or something.



LINE 60: "your's" should be "yours" here instead.

LINE 94: "womans's" should just be "woman's" in this case.

LINE 250: "out" should be "our" instead.

LINE 365: This line should probably end with a comma rather than a period, since the sentence continues directly in the next line. That seems to be the precedent elsewhere for handling this sort of situation, at least as far as I can tell.

LINES 726-785: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.



LINE 38: This may not be an error, but here Razi simply says: "Syd?" which... I'm not sure what that is in reference to. My guess is, it was another character he was expecting instead who just doesn't show up elsewhere in this route, creating a disconnect? It's possible it could be in error and meant to say something else, so I thought I should mention it just in case.

LINE 410: The image of Mackenzie does not appear here like expected for her line. I think it's because the "at left4" part of her show image is absent.

LINE 569: The word "but" has a typo here.

LINE 607: "Thing" should be "thin" here instead.

LINE 611: Typo of the word "bother" in this line.

LINE 617: Either "turns" should be "turned" or "pressed" should be "presses" for the correct phrasing of this line.

LINE 768, 773-774: The same red error message issue as noted for Damien's zoomed-in sprite animation. The werewolf one that follows does not have the error for his neutral expression, but the one after that for his smirking face also has the issue.



LINE 97: Either "pulls" should be "pulled" or "locked" should be "locks" here.

LINE 198: This line should read something like "hand [genericfn] over" or "hand you [genericfn]" instead.

LINE 232: Typo of the word "column" here.

LINES 468-537: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.



LINE 321: If I'm not mistaken, "would" should probably be "wouldn't" here instead.

LINES 367-394, 545-605: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 588: A placeholder "DIALOG MISSING" line here for this response. Again you probably are already aware of such things, as they seem to be deliberately added lines, but no harm in mentioning it just in case.

LINES 746-788: The same red error message issue appears also for Diego's zoomed-in sprite view without his glasses.



LINE 62: Pretty sure "cooled" here should be "coiled" instead.

LINES 77, 216, 295-305, 400-447: The same red error message issue as noted for Season 1 Episode 2.

LINE 118: The word "Does" should be replaced with "She's" instead here.

LINE 178: This line has "hard enough the entire" and it seems it should read "hard enough that the entire" or similar instead.

LINE 240: Left out a period at the end of this line.

LINE 260: "Park" should be "pack" instead.

LINE 267: The last word in this line, "air" ends up on a 3rd row, cut off from view. It could either be broken up into two separate lines at the comma, or a slight rewrite could fix it as well by making the comma into a period, and changing the word "cutting" to "cuts" and it should barely fit on 2 rows instead of requiring a 3rd.

LINE 382: The "drilling" in this line probably meant to say "dripping" or "brimming" or something similar instead.

LINE 453: "Creeks" should be "creaks" here instead.

LINE 455: Perhaps not 100% necessary, but it would probably read slightly better with a comma after "angry".

LINE 457: "Shatter" should be "shatters" instead for this line.

LINE 504: "Off" should either be "of" intsead, or it could also be "from" and still make sense too. Line 576 seems to suggest her cheek got cut a little bit, but only that she is just becoming aware of that fact at that point, rather than this earlier moment here.

LINE 550: "Solids" should be "solid" instead, and "this" should probably be "hit" or "sound" or something similar.

LINE 565: "New" should be "knee" instead.

LINE 570: "Fine on" doesn't make sense to me. It seems like it should be "Hold on" instead, perhaps?

LINE 722: There's an extra space before the second comma that isn't needed.

LINE 856: The last part of this line is "vanishing as green eyes anew." and it would read better with something like "vanishing as green eyes return anew." or a similar addition.

LINE 908: "Everyone" should be "everyone's" instead here.

Testing out the new feature, it seems to work quite well! It feels seamless when starting from music playing in the game, going into the music room from the menu, and then going back to the game, with no interruptions or pauses or anything. Thank you for adding the new functionality!

How could I set it up (or would it be possible) if you changed the music that's playing inside the music room, to go back to the game and keep that music playing? As it works now, the music that was heard during gameplay takes priority.

I'm trying to create this sort of effect:

  • Song 1 (or no song) is playing in the game
  • You access the music room and song 1 keeps playing still (or silence again)
  • You play song 2 in the music room
  • Then you go back to the game, and song 2 keeps playing.

Is there some way to store or reference the track that was playing in the music room last when you return to the game, and have Ren'Py play whatever song it was? It wouldn't even have to be a seamless transition, just having it "remember" and play the last "active" music room song would be great.

I appreciate your time and patience as I try to learn and better understand what is reasonable and what isn't in terms of Ren'Py functionality.

Okay, I more or less figured out a solution. I'm not 100% sure which of these steps solved the issue, but it was some combination of the following:

  1. I started over from a fresh copy of my project (it always pays to test stuff in a backup copy!) and installed the Extended Music Room properly with only a single instance in the folder to begin with.
  2. This time, I didn't copy the content of the music_room.rpy over to screens.rpy, and instead just edited music_room.rpy directly itself (I think this was most likely the main issue, user error on my part. The tracks I added into music_room.rpy appeared properly at this point.)
  3. I also noticed that specifying the path name for the audio files while leaving the angle brackets in place (ex: path="<audio/track1.ogg>",) Ren'Py threw an error when I tried to play Track 1. But when I removed the angled brackets and just listed it as path="audio/track1.ogg", everything worked correctly.

Thanks for your suggestions! They did help me figure out what I was doing wrong. If I bump into any more issues I'll post back, but I think it's looking good now!

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I have been closing out the game and re-launching it each time to test. I double-checked the project folder, and there were two instances as you mentioned, so I deleted the extraneous ones, but it still isn't showing the changes to the track list.

I had them in two locations: "game" folder and "game/music_room" folder. I tried deleting each set separately, to see if keeping them in one location or the other would work, and neither seemed to update the track list, although both "worked" equally well, for what it's worth.

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So I just found your awesome tool today, and was going through the readme directions and got things most of the way set up with implementing the tool. It took some tries to get past some initial error messages from Ren'py, mostly due to my lack of understanding of how to set it up, but I got the music room to appear in the menu and visually.

What I didn't understand though was, when I tried to add my own songs to the list, either by replacing the path of the existing entries, or copying the existing music_room.add functions, it was like Ren'Py wasn't seeing the changes. The tracks shown in the music player list weren't changing, even when I outright deleted a few of the pre-existing example entries for the sake of testing.

The steps I followed were:

  1. Copied the "music_room" and "gui" folders from the zip file to my project's "game" folder.
  2. Copied "01_music_room_backend.rpy" and "music_room.rpy" from the "music_room" folder and pasted them into the "game" folder as well.
  3. Copied the entire contents of "music_room.rpy" into the bottom of my project's "screens.rpy" file to use as a starting point.
  4. Added textbutton _("Music Room") action ShowMenu("music_room3", mr=music_room) to the "Main and Game Menu Screens" section of screens.rpy

And up to this point it's more or less working as intended (excuse the clunky visuals in the screenshot, as my game is in 1280x720 resolution so I haven't gotten far enough along yet to worry about making it look and fit better visually.)

It's just when I try to modify or add any tracks under the "Music Room Declaration" section where I start running into issues (here's an example screenshot:)

The track list doesn't update to include the new tracks in any of the 3 layout modes. I even tried taking one of the existing entries and just changing its path from the silence generation to one of the test tracks paths, and it didn't really update visually or functionally in the player.

That's as far as I've gotten with trying to implement things thus far. Are there steps I am still missing or not understanding? Does it have something to do with trying to adapt it to 720p instead of 1080 (seems unlikely?) Maybe the folder setup when I copied things over originally was the incorrect way and now it's causing issues?

Edited to add: I'm using Ren'Py v 8.1.3 and I'm on Linux if that matters at all.

Woah, what are the chances? That's great though! I'm looking forward to being able to try it out.

This is an excellent tool you've released! Thanks very much for sharing it. Since you seem very knowledgeable about this, and I am but a novice at best, I was wondering if you might have a simple solution to the following.

I've been fiddling around with my own project, and I started with the official documentation for the music room

I've made a few small, novice-level adjustments so far. But what I am really aiming for is allowing the player to choose what music to listen to, and letting it continue to play until they decide to change songs or turn it off, even when they go back to playing the game.

Here is what I have so far, mostly from the documentation:

########## MUSIC PLAYER SCREEN ##########
init python:
     # Step 1. Create a MusicRoom instance.
     mr = MusicRoom(fadeout=1.0)
     # Step 2. Add music files.
     mr.add("track1.ogg", always_unlocked=True)
     mr.add("track2.ogg", always_unlocked=True)
     mr.add("track3.ogg", always_unlocked=True)
# Step 3. Create the music room screen.
screen music_room:
      tag menu
         xpos 320
         ypos 100
         has vbox
         # The buttons that play each track.
         textbutton "Play: Track 1" action mr.Play("track1.ogg")
         textbutton "Play: Track 2" action mr.Play("track2.ogg")
         textbutton "Play: Track 3" action mr.Play("track3.ogg")
         null height 20
         # Buttons that let us advance tracks.
         textbutton "Next Song" action mr.Next()
         textbutton "Previous Song" action mr.Previous()
         null height 20
         # A custom button to stop playing music.
         textbutton "Stop Music" action mr.Stop()
         null height 20
         # The button that lets the user exit the music room. Customized to include a separate function for handling the game menu too.
         if main_menu:
             textbutton "Return" action ShowMenu("main_menu")
          elif not main_menu:
             textbutton "Return" action Return()
      # Start the music playing on entry to the music room.
      # on "replace" action mr.Play() #Commented out intentionally, since it seemed undesirable, but may need to re-enable later.
      # Restore the main menu music upon leaving.
      if == "audio/music/track1.ogg":
         on "replaced" action Play("music", "track1.ogg")
      elif == "audio/music/track2.ogg":
         on "replaced" action Play("music", "track2.ogg")
      elif == "audio/music/track3.ogg":
         on "replaced" action Play("music", "track3.ogg")

The default function for returning to the main menu screen, with the small adjustments I've added to it, works as I had intended. However, when accessing the music room during gameplay via the game menu, and using the Return button to go back to the game, the music stops playing when it leaves the music room.

I understand that it's because the music from script.rpy would take precedence while playing in a normal scenario, but I have not set any music to play in script.rpy in this case, and instead I wish for the music room's current state to carry over into other menus and during gameplay, like it does when going back to the main menu using the "replaced" function (which I admittedly don't understand the significance of.)

If there is a simple and elegant solution (or a messy one is fine too) that you could share to point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it! 

At any rate, thanks for your time today!

Well, hearing that the poses and all the assets are all created by hand makes the content already in Mannequin seem that much more impressive to me, if anything!

Thanks for the detailed reply! I did play around a bit with Koikatsu Party a few years back, but per the terms of use restrictions, users are not allowed to take creations from the software and use them in their own creative endeavors. Available choices are a bit more limited, but I prefer options that allow more creative freedoms by default. It's another thing I appreciate about Mannequin!

Again, there is already plenty to work with in terms of poses and assets and flexibility, more than what I have seen in other tools by a long shot in some cases, so thank you again for everything you've already added into the tool!

First I will start by saying this is a wonderful tool, and I very much appreciate that it exists! Thank you for all the love and passion you've put into this creation.

Your most recent post in this topic was helpful for me as a new Mannequin user, as I had the same question about applying customized settings across all expressions. That's very useful to know.

I was really surprised to see a robust selection of poses with a variety of options available to choose from. I thought that was quite helpful to have built into the program. My suggestion, or request if you can call it that, would simply be asking about the possibility of adding some non-standing pose options in the future? This is really more of a "food for thought" kind of thing than a request necessarily.

My only other experience with this sort of thing is using VRoid Studio briefly, and for that program, you are able to export created characters to VRM format. I know of two particular software applications that can then be used with an exported VRM character to pose them in a specific way.

One is called VRM Automatic Photographing ( and if I'm not mistaken it collects and uses freely available preset poses from other sources? The other is called VRM Doll Play ( and allows you to custom create your own poses manually by hand for your characters.

You already have just as many, if not more, standing pose variety options available in Mannequin, which is great! I just can't help but wonder if having others like sitting, kneeling, laying down, etc. sorts of poses might make things even more dynamic and interesting. But, I know when you start getting into the more unusual poses, things like physics/gravity start making it more difficult for clothing, accessories, etc. to translate over in a uniform way too.

I'm not sure which would be more difficult on the development side, either implementing additional poses for sitting/laying down/etc. like you already have available, or adding a VRM export option like the existing one for Inochi2D Creator (I'm guessing VRM is more meant for 3D models, so wouldn't really convert easily?) I tried looking into using Inochi2D Creator, but the options were overwhelming, and the complexity level seems to be beyond my current understanding. I was unable to use it at even a basic level. Alternatively, perhaps there is some other existing software similar to VRM Doll Play but that works with Mannequin characters that I'm unaware of?

At any rate, thanks for your time in reading all this, and for all the wonderful features you've already made for everyone!

First off let me just say that I appreciate your comments. I'm pleased to know that folks are still enjoying this unusual little game even now.

There is some backtracking that is required at times, but the progression becomes easier as things go, and nearly every encounter while backtracking can be quickly skipped (except the Block Rocks of course.) Subsequent playthroughs of the game are much quicker once you know how things work, and they can be done in a fraction of the time compared to the first experience.

I tried to do things in a way that would surprise players, including breaking the game's "rules" at times, like with that particular encounter you mentioned. The unusual way of approaching the player character changes was another example where I tried to get creative and go against conventional expectations. My goal was to leave players with a feeling that they got to enjoy something a little unique or different from the norm.

(1 edit)

Hi ninedaydecline, you're exactly right and on the right track for where to go. I pulled a rather cruel trick in this part in that, when you reach that section of forest where none of the directions seem to advance properly, there's another direction you've been "taught" not to go, but which is actually the correct path for that one screen/area of the forest maze.

In case that's confusing, the pattern through the repeating forest maze to find the old man is SEWN, where North is assumed heading up, South is heading down, etc. and it's the one where you're supposed to head West that is a bit of a cheesy trick on my part for players, since heading West on any of the other parts of that area takes you back out of the forest maze.

Mag isn't one you can befriend directly or play as. She appears mostly as a part of Wiz's story. It would have been interesting seeing things from her POV more though.

Digsby on the other hand, after you assist him with the crates, leave the area where he's usually found and come back to it again. He won't be at his shop stand, but he's elsewhere in that same area instead. Easy to miss.

Fun fact: Digsby is actually one where you can fail to progress his quest properly. If you chose to not help him with his delivery, you won't be able to become good friends with him.

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback! I appreciate getting it, and I'm glad that you enjoyed your time with the game overall.

To answer your question as best I can, it is possible to play in a way that allows you to reach Good Friend status with almost every one of the "significant" characters. Basically if you interact with them and are able to gain acquaintance/friend/etc. statuses, then you can become Good Friends with them.

However, you have to reach Good Friend status with them prior to having them disappear or switching to them as your player character, because once either of those things has happened, they are effectively "lost" for the remainder of the game as far as being able to continue their quests or get to know them better. As long as you reached Good Friend status with them though, you'll get to see their extra little ending scene.

The one exception to the above is Madeline, as she is something of a special case. You can play as her if you've "died" in the game enough times, but no other characters can really meet her or interact with her in the normal ways like the remainder of the playable / significant NPC cast.

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I'm glad that helped. It sounds like now you're just missing a few of the last trickier-to-find ones.

For #13 you'll need to visit the Servants' Quarters, which if you haven't found that area yet, try sneaking by the guard in the Main Entrance lobby area of the mansion. Careful not to confuse it with the Guest Quarters area too.

You have to do something particular to find it once you reach the Servants' Quarters though. It won't appear with just a random encounter like most of the others do. Check the surroundings thoroughly and you'll find it.

Page 18 is found in the Study area where Trudy is first found with Morty. There's a single encounter in there that you may have missed due to the smaller size of that area.

I'm just guessing here, but you might also be missing Page #3 as well? That's another tricky one that usually ends up being one of the last few for players to obtain. It requires a few steps, including interacting with the creature that gives you page #18 in a specific way, before you can complete it successfully.

#12 is optional, and can be found in the second part of the Guest Quarters. You won't be able to get to it until you've successfully completed the encounter in the first section of the Guest Quarters though. #12 is another one that isn't a random encounter either actually, so that might be why you missed it if you've already explored that area.

Hi Firefairy, thanks for reaching out. The garden area was the point of the game where I realized that up until then, the "smell" sense had gone very underutilized, so following your nose, so to speak, will help you in multiple encounters in this area actually. One of them that doesn't involve the "smell" sense will progress using "taste" instead.

The mushroom creature encounter was the one that was most intended to throw folks for a loop in this area, so congrats on already getting that one figured out. There isn't much that requires curiosities in this area, so you should be okay without having to hunt down more of those for now. See if that's enough help to get you on your way again, and if you're still having trouble, I can give more specific details on what to do for particular encounters if you'd like.

You're welcome! Glad I could help.

It was one of those things where I figured most players would try to leave the room in the more normal way after having entered it so unusually, and they would unlock the door in the process. But I understand it being frustrating and confusing if you happened to miss you could do that, and instead went back the way you came in.

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Hi n03113, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the game. Which door are you referring to that you can't figure out how to open? I can only think of two doors that might be stumping you.

Spoilers ahead for those who wish to avoid them.

If you mean the door in the Guest Quarters, have you successfully completed the encounter with the Foul O'Door? If so, you may just be missing the combination to the lock. You can find that in the Basement.

If, instead, you mean the door in the Garden area by the fountain, it's locked from the outside only, and leads to the secret room area that you discovered via the Basement. To open it, simply exit that room from the inside first to unlock it.

In any case, if you've already completed the game and the side quests, you're not missing any essential content from the experience behind locked doors.

Thanks for your detailed post and thoughts about the game. I can appreciate differences in viewpoints, and though my intention was not really based in glorifying suicide in what I was presenting, it's of a sufficiently unusual nature that I could see why it might be viewed in that light. In fact, I was half expecting more backlash in general over presenting arguably radical viewpoints of death and those kinds of things.

I had some frustrations with the RPG Maker format too, but it was the tool I had available to me to work within that I knew how to use, and having zero budget to put to the game, I did the best I could with what I had available to me. Although I do understand it leaves a bit to be desired on the player side as well, but I appreciate your suggestions for feedback on what you would have preferred to see, even if I may not be able to actually enact those changes necessarily, it's nice to hear from folks about the things they prefer.

I'm not quite sure just from reading your description of the issues you came into contact with from the Block Rocks and using the entrance from Wiz's quest, but you may have run into one issue that I was never quite able to figure out how to solve. The way I set up the progression through the mansion was such that if you started from one direction, and then came back into it from the other partway through, there was an overlap of sorts, where the particular transition between the Kitchen area of the mansion and the Main Hall would basically not allow you to progress as usually intended. It didn't necessarily break the game as far as I was aware of anyway, but it was disruptive to the overall flow, as it sounds like you're describing in your comment.

In any case, even if that particular issue wasn't what you were trying to describe, thanks again for taking the time to provide feedback on your time with the game.

Page 3 is the red slime creature we were talking about before, and Page 18 is found in the Study area where Trudy is located, so you haven't missed anything. You'll collect both of those as you progress through the remaining portions of the game.

You're welcome. I'm glad you got it figured out. The mushroom is a sneaky one!

The sand is not a curiosity that is usable in encounters, so that may be why you weren't seeing it. If you check the curiosities menu while you're on the map rather than during an encounter, it should be appearing in there.

Hi Pippinghotbread, thanks for posting, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! Let's see if I can help you along your way.

First off, the rabbit creature's page is optional. It's not strictly necessary to progress in the game, but it helps you to gain access into the mansion via an alternate route as part of Jack & Wiz's friend quests, if they are still accessible on the island and haven't already moved to the afterlife area. You can only find the rabbit creature in the forest itself (it's the only creature encounter that happens outside of the mansion grounds) and you'll want to use your sense of touch on them to progress through the encounter properly.

Trudy can be found in the Study area of the mansion. It's way in the back and is the last area right before you enter the final area of the mansion. To gain access you'll need to have gotten all the pages from the garden area first.

The red slime creature is one of the last ones that you'll be able to actually do, and it's tricky. To complete it successfully, you need to have an Empty Ice Cream Cup in your curiosities inventory, and you'll need to use it on the creature that you encounter in the Study area. After that, if you come back to the red slime encounter, you'll have what you need to see it through correctly.

Hopefully that helps you get unstuck, but if you need more specifics or have other questions, feel free to reply back!

Me too. I wanted to make even more of them than I did. Maybe I should have! I'm glad you liked them though.

A version of Death? Preposterous! playable in your web browser has been released today. You can find it here:

Yesterday I added a new devlog post explaining the recent change in pricing model for this game, as well as taking a look back at everything that has happened since its release back in March 2019.

For those curious and interested to learn a bit more about behind-the-scenes stuff, you can read the post here:

I appreciate the informative reply despite the time lapse from the original inquiry by HexVexed, thank you! I'll let that be my starting point for reference.

I just found this template recently and was wondering the same thing.

I'm not sure where to find the inner workings of it, as I'm just learning my way around Ren'Py, but I noticed that there was multiple page functionality on the Music Player section of the Extras menu.

Perhaps you can examine how that part is put together, and repurpose it for the gallery areas as well?