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A member registered Jan 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing!
Our writing team worked really hard on the story! :--D

Congrats on getting to the secret boss! Good job!
Thanks for the comment and feedback! I'm glad you liked the game!
We are hoping to do a post jam release at some point with a bit more forgiving continue system. Might even add some more bosses...  ^__^
I hope we get it ready soon and you can try it out too! 

Yeah, It's a bit hard to find a balance between going slow and being like a tank and moving faster and being actually able to dodge something.
Hah. Sadly we didn't have enough time to add ingame tutorial but I'll definitelly add one to the post jam release! When doing tricks just rememer to hold the jump button and release the trick before landing! Marisas powerpoint presentation might help with the tricks too!

Yeah Cirno way too stronk, I agree.
Luckily the anoying rocks don't move like Cirno does!

Thanks for playing and commenting! ^_^

Yes! Cirno 9 out of 9. Why wouldn't you love it! :)
Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Yeah the mechanics are a bit hard to master and shootting is a little too random. :(
But I hope to fix those problems in a post jam version. Thanks for playing!

Shhh! It's totally a Cirno game!
Thanks for playing! ^_^

Thanks for playing! 
I'm happy you liked the game!
Yeah the learning curve in the game is quite hard. .__.''
Cirno too stronk. ;__;

Hey! Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
The pickups are indeed too slow when you are going fast. >__<'
I'm going to fix them and a aiming helper for post jam release! 

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you liked the game. :)
Good job on getting all the way to the end!

Cirno 9/9

It's almost too hard for me too. :NotLikeThis:
I guess Cirno wins this time!
If you want to try again, be sure to check out Marisa's powerpoint tutorial

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and making the video!
Sadly the tutorial was not ready before you played. :(
Doing tricks and spins really give you more of a chance against the bosses!