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A member registered Aug 30, 2023

Recent community posts

i really liked the variety of areas and people. all of the maps were very well made and the dialogue was fun. the huge amount of secrets was a bit of a monkeys paw for me. finding the potato completely at random was like finding a soulmate. but then i became obsessed with checking everywhere, and jumping to death into deep holes looking for whales. your hack turned me into a mad dwarf. i really enjoyed it. thanks

REALLY liked the way this hack looked and the atmosphere of the whole thing (star hill music very good choice), and the planetoid approach was pretty neat. i do agree that the ending was a bit of a shame. the boss fight was way too easy, i didn't even get to eat the sacred porridge. i did do nothing a few turns, and i like the idea of the permanent water effect (assuming that was intentional). i do also demand a five page essay as to why Squirt was changed to Splash

this hack was really sick. loved the customization ideas, was extremely interested by all of the nodes, and i liked the spritework. just a really cool ride and i had a big dumb smile on my face from start til finish. personal winner pick. as a note i think some of the spread fireball hitboxes were odd because i definitely got hit a couple times and took no damage. as another note the fact that you made the tutorial the way that it was is just like maybe my favourite kind of thing ever.

this was very cool and i had a lot of fun (on standard mode). appreciated the music, sounded a lot cleaner than some other pm64 hacks. but there were some frustrating aspects. at least to me, the hammer bros were WAY harder than the other 3 bosses available. also bowser 4's squiggly diggly fireballs would sometimes hit me despite not even being visible onscreen, particularly painful for being so late into a long fight. i think the more minor frustrating things standing out is a good sign however that it is overall very well done. and you let me live out my dream of abandoning goombario on a street corner and then dying

picked up this cool game from my childhood at a garage sale. not really how i remember it to be honest but it was cool game. i think i will lay sleepless at night worrying about having inadvertently invited a wario into my home. cool game. thansk miigle nintendo for creating. cool game. pretty tasty when boiled

i really truly hope you continue modding

i think a part of me shriveled up and died after spending any reasonable amount of time on question 4. thank you for some laughs and thank you for some irreparable damages