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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

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It worked! Thank you again!

(1 edit)

I'm really sorry Sam, I forgot about that. Is there any way I could send a DM here when sending images? Or should I just send it in your twitter?

Hi Sam, It's me again. Just to notify that the Rosy42 update in the png tileset still has the dark background. The color is the same as some pixels in the tiles, so we can't just remove it without destroy the arts.

Thank you so much, Sam. You are awesome!

(1 edit)

Hi Sam! Great to know that you updated the pallete to Rosy42. I just found an issue about the ice tileset. The Ice floor is still the same, with 24 blue tons.

Keep that good work. These people who claim so much for bigger discounts don't even finish their works when wanting to buy an asset pack like this one. Again, keep the good work, bring more assets to us, I love your work, Sam.

There's some error in the call_later function when exporting. Just tried to solve, but unsucess.