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A member registered Apr 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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People also pay for wallpapers, music and fireside DVDs. So why not pay for a little ambience game that might make working on the PC a little more enjoyable?

Yes people pay for it, and I think there are far worse things to spend your money on.

Everyone has to decide for themselves. I've been making games for 20 years, I've always paid the costs for artwork etc myself and often offered my games for free. The game also subsidises a little of the costs I have for other games.

Thanks to everyone who supports me!

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The Game has English and German Translation. 

Yes i'm German. 

Click on the Camera on Top, its a Panic Button

So nice an useful!

Its my first Steam game, so i will look first how this works.

I wish I had more options in this area. But I will look into it a little more. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks for the feedback!

1)  Yes you're right the game has a few more queries now, I'm trying to optimise that. Can you tell me what kind of system you are playing on?

2)  The fruits are always consumed from left to right, it's best to try to press in the centre. Unfortunately I can't get the query to work better without the game losing even more performance.

3)  As Harly already said, the apple only works when you "run".

Thank you both!

Strangely enough, I need a Mac to export for Mac. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone I can always ask to do this for each version and for testing. If I export the Mac version with Windows, it cannot be started.

Thx again for your unique and awesome work!

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The problem is, the only good plugin I found for the engine that can create such scrolling parallax layers is a bit cumbersome to use. Aya runs on a repeating map and the plugin displays the layers. If it is only 1 layer without scrolling it is easy. The layer loops at the end of the map and the transition is seamless. If there are 2 layers that scroll at different speeds I have to enlarge the map for each speed because both layers have to loop at the end of the map at the same time to ensure a smooth transition. So the more speeds I set, the longer the map has to be.

2 problems. The engine only allows 256 tiles in length & the Android version limits me even more because it "destroys" the scrolling if the maps are too long

Long text but the key data is that I only have a few speed levels available. Believe me I spent a long time trying to make it better.

The last layer scrolls depending on whether Windows/Android is at level 0/3 etc:

Layer 1 0/3

Layer 2 6

Layer 3 12

Layer 4 0 (this is the layer with the ground on which Aya runs)

Layer 5 -6

Changing the speed of layer 4 with the ground looks extremely wrong. additionally on the layer are the first trees

The foreground layer has a negative speed. I thought it looks best when it moves the slowest as it is at the front.

So I am very limited in terms of other options.

So one question would be which layer disturbs the overall view the most?

The foreground layer with the grass because it is slow? or the layer with the ground and the first trees? Because the layers behind it all scroll slower and slower the further away they are.

Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like it. I would like to make an update V1.1 I try to fill all slots there. We are working on an Idle Streching animation.

I currently have no plans to extend it beyond level 100. Maybe I will make a second part. But for now I have other games in the pipeline. 

I'm also currently working on a Steam release of the game. As it will be my first Steam game, I still need to learn the basics.

Have a nice day!

Hello! Sorry for the late reply. I am currently not at home. I'll try to explain the Parallax system and the problems I'm having with it soon. I wanted to solve things differently, but it simply didn't work with the engine. Its mobile just a bit difficult to explain. But I will try it soon. Thank for the feedback.


No problem. Sry for the misunderstanding. Have Fun with the Game. I will hurry up to Release a big update soon (V1.0)

In the Pack is:

-Unused graphics

-Graphics that did not fit into the game

Its just a small extra to watch. You can't put it in the game.

Tolles Spiel, Stinklord wurde besiegt.

687/700 Beeries gesammelt auf Normal!

I'm sorry about that. Unfortunately, I can hardly help with Linux problems. I test the games natively on the Steam Deck and have no other way or experience with linux. You could test the Windows version with Proton or try to play the browser version. (if it helps i run the game in Steam Deck with the launcher. Maybe its worth a try)


If it helps in any way, you can reset the game completely by clicking on Options 40 times. In V1.0 I will add a debug menu there.

Which version are you playing

I am terribly sorry that you are having problems. I am currently working on version 1.0, where I have fixed many bugs.

Does this occur in-game or when you quit the game and come back?

Does anyone else reading this have this bug?


Wow, the Textbox Generator is realy powerful and easy to use! Nice Work!

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Okay, try to talk with the keeper. If its not working go to options, Use "delete all savegames" then start a new game. Hope it helps.

 You become your first dice from the keeper, but if you played a older version of the webversion once ago,  it is possible to have some Savegame bugs.

That is a very unspecific question. How do you start the game? How do you get out of the cellar? How do you start the first round? Where do you get dice from? A little more information about what you're having problems with and on which platform would be really helpful.

Yes, poor Nekomata!

Unfortunately, this is not possible in the browser version and RPG Maker MV (MZ has a Option for it) . Perhaps use the browser zoom as an alternative:
STRG and +
STRG and -

You can resett the game if you click 40 times on the gear for the Volume Option.

Thx for Screenshots, very strang. I will try to find the bug but rather not promptly. At the moment the games in development have more priority. Maybe someone else will get in touch with the same error? I would be interested to know if this also occurs in the other versions.

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Do you have a Screenshot for me?

in V0.9 you should unlocked Apple and  Strawberry Buff on Level 1 & 2

how many steps did you have? I could try to create a savegame in the next few days

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oh this is strange.  Sry for this!

On which platform do you played?

I try to solve this in V1.0

Yes, I had already tried to find that out, apparently it saves the data in a kind of browser cookie, similar to the browser version. I have not yet found a way to export saves from Android/browser somehow. Unfortunately it's a bit complicated in rpg-maker.

Interesting, I'll have a look at it. I also found some other bugs in the buff system. It should all work better in V1.0.
Thanks for playing and reporting the bug!

i do the prequel first. Nekomata 2 is still in preperatin. Sry. But thx for your words! The Logo is done:

Here my Game Project Sheet:

i have discord if you want to talk about it;


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These are some leftovers from the testing for part 2, you should have seen everything. Thx for playing!