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A member registered Mar 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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A pretty enjoyable game, but it would be really nice to see some expansion and refinement suggestions be added or modified like:

  •  Item crafting; clothing (lame i know) that opponents need to remove to get to the fun stuffs, ranged/melee weapons (can also find clothes and weapons randomly).
  • Personal inventory; letting you carry more than 1 item at a time would be great (possibly balance this with a max weight system?) also lets you equip/unequip clothing, tools and weapons.
  • Base/Town building; (Farming included) build your own "town" with materials you can find/hunt so you can have a safe place to grow crops, sleep, craft, and "enjoy" your "companions" without interruptions (for the most part). have raids that can happen at night (can have a personal tent to sleep and save/load games).
  • Day/Night cycle; for better immersion, (eg. harder to see along with more encounters at night).
  • Weather cycle; rain, snow, sun, fog etc. for better immersion that can affect the world like: rain can boost farming, snow slows all movement, and fog can change how far you can see in the distance.
  • Hunting/Fishing; hunt/fish wild animals for food/materials, (though water would need to be added for fishing).
  • Some type of map; it is a survival but you can get lost very very easily through not paying attention along with encounters.
  • Sprint button; would be nice to toggle sprint /walk for energy conservation and some form of "stealth".
  • More playable species; not a must but it would be cool to see more than 3 species.
  • Easier struggling system; plz! mashing isn't the specific problem but mashing WASD gets tiring after a while, maybe just mashing "A & D" with a visual bar to track your escape progress would be simpler.
  • Improved ai; characters do get stuck on trees and other items pretty easily.
  • Escape system (after you've been caught and sold); a playable mini-game called: Slave Mode where you can work for your owner until you can buy your freedom or escape.
  • Save system; would probably benefit every aspect of the game, Honestly it gets a little annoying restarting from the very beginning after being caught and almost destroying your keyboard trying (and failing) to escape.
  • Bigger generated worlds to support all of this would be nice (also justifies needing a map and a save system)

Besides a few bugs and nitpicks, I'd say It's a really good game concept with a ton of potential that with some work, can become a pretty good and interesting Furry lewd survival game. I hope to see this game getting expanded upon in the future! keep up the good work!<3

Whatever you did, it seems to have fixed the problem and its  working perfectly now. Thanks! 

statuseffectID: cuminflated is what it says

oh yea, i got a screen shot of one of the errors

whenever the game crashes, everything is the same as the screenshot except the punishments module. i hope this helps in some way at least.

it happens, decided to start fresh, and the errors are still crashing the game even with a new save. but i dunno maybe the engine just don't like me :p

I Figured it out! When my amd driers hard-core died, it crashed my computer and corrupted  a few things along with my save.  :( oh well, back to the old drawing board. 

Game is amazing. I'm just having a few errors that prevent me from using any previous saves, the game itself loads fine but when i do anything for a period of time the status effects keep doubling  and eventually  it crashes. when trying to figure it out in the actual engine, i get this error message: 

Invalid type in function 'append_array' in base 'Array'. Cannot convert argument 1 from Nil to Array.

any help would be great, but if i need to i can create a new save. Keep up the awesome work

I'm pretty sure this is a bug, while playing release 14, after using copy x on any girl, and when selecting the same girl for drilling, it counts you as a copy of the girl and doubles the girls drilling stats and bonuses.