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JJJJ Studios

A member registered Aug 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank You!

I'll work on an updated enemy spawning system soon.

Sure, you can use any footage of that game for anything.

How do I make it so ascending order goes highest to lowest scor

I have a problem where when I upload a score, it saves as the first one, then on a different computer with a different name, it overwrites the previous one.

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This just looks 3D

okay, i might be able to help. what's your discord?

Time Hunter is a 3D platformer made with Unreal Engine 5. It is still a demo, so only the first level is out. The assets and animations might change, but the first level will be *mostly* unchanged. Time Hunter has pretty simple controls, WASD to move SPACE to jump, but it has a couple unique movement features, one of them including the ability to dash in any direction. There are going to be more movement features in the full game.

You can find Time Hunter here.

Running from the first enemy
The first boss, bigger than the other enemies, it has more health and does more damage

Thank you, got it working. It is amazing music.

Can you send the audio in .wav format, unreal engine doesn't work well with mp3s.

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What DAW do you use and where did you learn? 

How will you send it and can I use it for my other games not for this jam?

Can you make an overworld theme, sort of retro style, kind of like the old legend of zelda style music.