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A member registered Feb 01, 2022

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Ditto, for Wardle's Wordle.  Now that I know his word list letter frequency ≠ English generally, my new two are SNAIL & ROUTE.

Some of them toward the end are scary -- words I never see or use, only found in Scrabble dictionaries.

Right.  I started playing 'hello wordl' =  and she uses a Scrabble dictionary as word source.  Then I found Wardle's site.  Only yesterday I downloaded his site and found the list of words hard-coded in the script.  So you found that, and counted frequency from there, huh?

Using frequency order

E T A O I N S R H L D C U M F P G W Y B V K X J Q Z 
x x x x x x x       x   x                        
x x x x x x x x   x x   x x   x     x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x     x     x

first line is my 2 lead words  TENSE & AUDIO
second line is SIREN, OCTAL & DUMPY
third line is CRAPE, DOILY & SHUNT
I've had consistent success with Wordle using those two.  Third word varies with what the first two uncover.