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A member registered Mar 22, 2020

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It's this one

Here is a PDF with all the musics. Got from the Wiki

Hmm, in my eyes is because MC was really lacking in the memory aspect, he was almost the same as he was on level 1 (difference being memory echo), so the training really gave him a huge jump in power.

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Valravn fight was a classic. It was also the first time he used mantis shrimp in a fight. A good 1 vs 1.

Jake fight was crazy good, it had a lot of good moments, MC could be kinda evil too killing all the guards, it was a massacre. And then Deryl joined the fight, i was very intrigued.

Cole fight was awesome. MC managed to beat him even after power up. That was kinda crazy, but it was said before that the biggest difference is between level 2 and level 3 superhumans. Level 1 to 2 you get 20 power, but from Level 2 to 3 you get 200. So the weakest level 3 can have 3 times more power than the strongest level 2.

I don't think MC have that much plot armor compared to other stories, he loses some fights, and even the ones we can win have it's bad ends or you end needind assistence. I find him balanced overall.

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Still can't believe Michael is a gamer

I also can't support on patreon, if one day he releases the game on Steam i will certainly buy it to support him.

I don't know what choices are important, but this is how i got 3 points against Cole for the best result in my battle:

Power > 500
A heart
Ignore it, focus my memories!
Who the fuck are you?

I have to run
Fast and risky
Who knows?
Skill > 40