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A member registered Jun 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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yes, those will be entirely optional

I think it's something with itchio affecting it. The links work everywhere else. Copying the link then pasting into your browser seems to be a work around for now. Try it with this link:


Early access to next version will release very soon.

you will be able to in the upcoming update.

4 weeks after Patreon release. 

I'm adding a 'quick stats' menu in the next update that tells you what image stage you are on for each variable that has one; this will hopefully resolve some confusion.


(1 edit)

yeah. I'm still grinding away at it. Been posting more on Discord instead of Patreon as of late though. 

development can sometimes actually take time, especially if it’s just one person. 

it should be working, idk why it wouldnt be 

eating adds a small multiplier to the amount of muscle gained that day (if you also worked out); not eating slightly decreases the amount of muscle gained that day. Food multipliers stack and scale with how much you eat.

estimated time of arrival 

don't have an ETA at the moment

there's not a limit to her size, but there are limits to the images and scene descriptions

it's kind of rudimentary right now. You buy and eat food in bulk right now. 

not something im adding unless someone commissions it.

that will be in the school update. but that update is still far away.

These two are text only for now. 

food is handled kind of weird atm. But that is being reworked. If the popup to choose how many hours you want to stream isnt coming up, try enabling cookies and/or using a different browser

enable cookies or try different browser

Good work.

yes, that will be added at some point in the future. 

I mean yeah, there's not a lot of content right now as the game is super early in development.

I'd consider the current content to be fraction of what I'd like to implement. I mean the game is basically a demo right now. 

You can change the growth speed in the settings menu.

try using a different browser

ok. I'll look into it. 

this should be fixed when i make it downloadable.

what does the error message say?

yeah I forgot to add a section of code, so the triggers for those scenes are currently kind of wonky. But I'm fixing it though. 

ok. thank you for reporting this. 

saves are completely reworked in the latest update, so yeah. 

yeah im adding a "quick stats" menu to the sidebar in the next update

maybe in a future update. but that's not a high priority.

I'm not sure then. I plan to make the free version downloadable soon though, so it should work then. 

probably. I changed how saves work in the latest update. 

I’m pretty sure that means you have cookies disabled. 

this is browser related issue. Try using a different web browser and see if it works. 

what does the error message say?