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A member registered Feb 28, 2024

Recent community posts

hello awesome when is new update for awakening i seem to be at end no where to advance shortly after gym story and 3rd or 4th scene with trixie i have the paid version btw how do i know if i reached the end? all girls hints says upcoming

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hey i am at a standstill in the game i have paid version i just got done with the gym and all girls on phone hints say upcoming and i cant seem to advance anymore have i reached the end end of content? and if so when is next release? 

the strange thing is in the gallery im seeing tons of scenes i have not seen in my playthrough.. im confused

do I need to reinstall it for the update to work? 

hello I absolutely loved one in a lifetime truly a masterpiece! 

I have just started eternum and loving so far! Thow one in a lifetime will be hard to beat! when would the new update be available for non subscribers (monthly payers) for eternum how does that work exactly? 

Thanks for your work 

I love this game amazing! When will we get an update to progress the story to the exam and 3D printer 2nd date with secretary ect.?

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thanks! The walk through was misleading as it didn’t specify to go to last cart 

I love the game! Amazing will we get more updates soon for second date with secretary and also 3D printer and more please! 

so to watch porn go in office and do paperwork you will have the choice to watch porn instead

I already triggered the water gun fight I just cannot seem to find the golden gun 

hello I am loving the game! However for some reason even though I am following the walk through to a T At the  train scene with jasmine I noticed right after I lost her path! I don’t wanna reload hours of play can you tell me what I did wrong? I followed walk through and had all scenes with her 



it worked thanks A lot! 


hello i ^purchased the 5 dollar version i cannot download thow im on pc it says third party something or other

hello how much more do i get if i buy the steam version? is it worth trying demo and then buying ort will restarting be a hassle?

hello what is the difference if i pay 5 dollars what do i get more then the free version?

and what do I get extra for paying the 5? 

Thanks do I need to install a patch to enable the incest 

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hello I am gona install looks good! Does it have sound (voice acting and music?)  also where is paid full version? For me it just shows pay as you want. Also I hear their is an incest patch to allow the incest in game how do I go about doing that 

hey guys I cant win water gun fight I get to the part with two girls shooting at me and I read that I need special water gun but in the computer I have bought all items their is no water gun available 

Ohh thanks!! Is the second date with assistant also still not updated or is it just me? 

I try fight several times and I never have option to but the gun what am I missing? 

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hello I seem to be stuck I am at the p art where I need to get the special printer but in my quest log it says only coming soon it’s like I cannot start chapter 2 or something I just downloaded today on pc it says I have the current version so I am not sure what is wrong