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Joe Schmoe

A member registered Dec 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really enjoyed this little zine. Thanks for sharing this <3

seriously phenomenal - genuinely funny throughout, and I LOVE the backing track

Absolutely one of my favorite games of the year. Resonance-per-minute ratio is off the charts! The soundscape beautifully sets the scene for the powerfully concise writing - beautiful stuff here

What a ride! Such a fun little game, I really enjoyed the ability ramp-up in this one. Great job!

That's a fun time! Really neat concept, with a cute and charming game to match - great job!

What a scrumptious little treat of a game. This is the first of your projects I've stumbled upon, and I can't wait to play the rest!

this cat rips

Really, really, REALLY sweet.  I think about that impossible trust that our cats must place in is a lot, and you've expressed it really beautifully here.  

Thank you for making this :)