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A member registered Sep 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Dont forget to check out the full novel here

special thanks again to ambient end for helping with me on this project.

nice ima watch


kek hope you had fun was a hilarious vid as well

awesome! hope you had fun!

thanks for the feedback it was my first time trying out game guru so I just hashed out a basic story in my mind. thinking of making this to a full game but wont be using game guru as an engine. 

thanks! il try better on the sequel

thats awesome! and funny! im sorry about the volume

Check out the full game here!

hey thanks! hope you had fun playing! 

thanks for trying it out i'm glad you had fun!

(1 edit)

Hey! thanks well tbh I'm still learning a few things here and there 
cant really say my code is 100% perfect I know people would have better dealt with some things better. 

awesome vid! hope you had fun playing! 

Hey thanks! i am working on to improve the game more i hope you enjoyed playing!

hey there thanks! yeah im watching the video atm gonna have to deal with some bugs thanks dude!

(2 edits)

Hey thanks trying my remake! I am trying to work on a health bar and an ammo counter that would not be on the screen all the time maybe like an status bar and of course dialogue and controls. I greatly appreciate the feedback I need as much to improve on my game, as of now I'm working on those things and added a few more maps and enemies I guess I'll put it up as one big patch, thanks again! and hope you enjoyed!   

Hey Thanks! I saw the video it seems i've uploaded the wrong version lol but still good, hope you enjoyed