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A member registered Jan 04, 2021

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(1 edit)

performance wise its pretty good. even with below a recommended computer, the biggest drops I saw were around 20-30fps in the bedroom. 

my only real complaints are things that would likely be fixed in future updates. like, the controls during sex are a bit difficult to use properly due to mouse movement being effectively on an x,y axis making it difficult to move to the side in the POV shot. you have to move almost all the way up, turn sideways, then go back down. I know that holding a button would fix that, but in terms of erotic gameplay, that is sometimes difficult and frustrating to try and do one handed.

similarly, in the alternate view, the mouse still controls movement of screen, but it also controls movement speed. what some other games have done to fix this is made the outside view a "click and drag" mouse movement so you can click actual buttons without moving the entire camera.

everything else is just lack of content, however its so new and hopefully going to be updated.

overall, performance:9.5/10.

controls:6.5/10, room for improvement, but pretty good overall

Edit: removed content rating due to the new release of this game being less than a week ago.

Edit 2: definitely following for future updates.

I stumbled across this game while randomly looking around. I downloaded it alongside 4 other similar games and just went down the list to see what was interesting. I was not expecting much to come of it, (3 of the other 4 games were uninstalled within 5 minutes of playtime) but I was pleasantly surprised. this is one of the few games that I fully intend to support on patreon once I get my finances stable. it has a few bugs and kinks, but even some big budget games have bugs, keep up the good work! I look forward to whatever else you may bring.

It's on a counter on the far left wall. Across the room from the disintegrator. It's pretty hard to see on the counter because the whip and the counter are almost the exact same shade of black..

Ok, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing it. Thanks

Is there any walkthroughs available? If not I need advice on the violet route. I have all but the last 5 in the current gallery for her. I work at the cafe, I'm sub to Matt, and I'm a cheerleader. 

is there a way to revisit scenes? i know about the basement, but it doesnt have the newer scenes after a certain update. is there not a way to revisit the newer scenes or am i just missing it?

is there a way to change height? im not very tall.

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I have resolved my issue. the problem I had was If you use the trigger to pick up items you become unable to fire them. In order to use items you have to pick them up with the grip buttons on the side of the controllers

im having difficulty withe the vive. it says its supported, and everything works with one exception. i cant seem to use anything. i can pick up, turn on laser on disintigrator, and even interact with everything properly. i am unable to fire the disintegrator, dart gun, ball gun, taser, or activate the vibrator. i have tried every button and combination and nothing seems to work

Is there ever going to be any on screen violence, or just hints at it. The preference settings make it seem like it's a possibility in the future however I'd like to know if it's a maybe kind of plan or an eventually kind of plan. Either way I love the game iland will keep playing. Keep up the great work!