A member registered Oct 17, 2024
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Its not impossible, you need to use the dead body of either yourself (after dying) or the albino guy after landing on him and killing him.
Use the body to levitate up to the point with the box. Get up to the top using levitate, then get on the platform. press e and then sprint jump right at the end (using momentum from the moving platform). In midair you need to use weapon knockback to get to the next part. Then you go underwater, quickly get through some stuff and pop out at a fence. Slowly go down the vertical slope (there are staircases and stuff) and end at the bottom with golf carts inside. Ragdoll and levitate to get in. You can actually drive the golf cart through part of this then you'll have to give it up. I'm at the part where it says "Low oxygen". Where there is no water but you can still drown. (haven't gotten past it yet.)