yuki's default no thoughts head empty sprite will always be peak comedy
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I'm definitely looking forward to playing this when it drops in full. I really like it, though yes the names are very offputting (edwina is adorable, but as I played through her somewhat cutesy song, I just kept thinking of the real Gein's face, crimes, quotes... yeah, takes away from the seduction a bit) but I am glad to know you will be changing it :) very cool art and great music
I get the message you're trying to deliver, but this just comes across as overwhelming nihilism, which isn't really helping anyone. Not to mention the "show not tell" approach the game uses is plain poor execution rather than effectively delivering a message that has the potential to be powerful (albeit a message that is not at all supported by the gameplay).This game encourages the player to give up on life instead of helping others or appreciating what they have, which I'm sure isn't the intended message; it just wasn't executed well.