Ive played 1000s of games over many years
I have never seen the golden cherry map until today
What a lovely suprise!
Happy birthday autoballs :D
thanks for playing, and thanks for the video! :D yeah lots of plans for the future, want to turn it into almost an actual mmo (not sure to what extent, but definitely multiplayer), and make lots of real world locations to explore and gets jobs and stuff :D lots of irl events for when your playing and stuff, lots of new in game zones! :D
Updated version will be on steam once i find the time to put some more together :D
thanks again :D
Wasnt sure if id have a build in time. Saw it not long after it popped up and been deving hard since to try and have a build and i might have something, depends how many problems i run into over next couple days, but im excited even if i dont get a build in :D
Few questions tho.
Thanks for your time, and fun jam
Im looking forward to seeing end result :D
Thanks for playing and thanks for the lovely words :)
I got lazy with the note and reused the hide mechanic instead of making a pause so you cant die while reading, but i should definitely of made it clearer so its less stressful and you can actually read the note without panicking since theres no way to read after.
Theres a state where the monster despawns and cant respawn while your in it for the entrance lobby so when i get time ill patch it to put you in that state while reading :)