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John Smitty

A member registered Jun 25, 2022

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Nevermind. My temporary laptop has a hard drive with the metaphorical heft of a matchbook,

Smythy who sits looking longingly at Lin through the window

When my laptop blew up in October, I lost my copy of this and every other game. When I tore open the packing of my temporary replacement today, this was the second site I visited after replacing my word processor. Unfortunately, I don't  see a way to download the full game again.

I hope U am mistaken because this was my favorite  game. If U'm missing something obvious and the download is available, please point it out to me.. All jokes about too much porn aside, I also lost much pf my vision over the same time period so I do have trouble picking up some things that might seem obvious.

Thanks ib advance.


I know. It's not a popular opinion around here but no kink shaming, please. I'd love the chance to put a collar on a willing woman for an afternoon just to try it out. In games, the idea of hot unwilling slave girls is a turn-on.

That said, I wanted to rush out to save Maria as well. I was actually slightly disappointed when the receptionist beat me to it. :) Great game, Runey! 

Any updates on the upcoming update? :)

Perhaps I misread your post. I thought you said all of your w was going to be back at the beginning of the game. Maybe I was having a bad day when I was afraid that you were going to mess up my favorite game. I want to emphasize that again. Harem Hotel is my favorite game bar none. I tell other developers that they should look at what you've done to see the gold standard.

My favorite part of my favorite game is the master/slave relationship aspect. Part of me fears that you intend to remove that from the game or curtail it to a great extent. Why? Jin was essentially removed from the game when the MC did the right thing for her. She stands there and says that life is rough when she used to be a favorite character of mine. I'm drawing a blank on names because I'm a man in his late 40s in and out of the hospital but the programmer girl is my overall favorite and I look forward to seeing Lin f ree to some extent.

Fact is that I would move into Manager Smitty's life if I could. I can get a little too emotional afraid someone might mess with my vacation home. Please accept my apology for going too far. Obviously, I  could always play version 15 of the game for years if I really wanted to do so. I am not such a newbie that I couldn't preserve my current game and try the new version. You are an artist who has given us this great world and you deserve a measure of trust in return.

Thank you for replying and helping relieve my fears at least a bit.


I'm a little stunned. I've been looking forward to taking my existing harem into the future with new events and possibly new elves to purchase. The idea of having to start over is just disappointing. The expected completion date of October or November isn't even an issue now because I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to it. This has been my favorite game and now I'm wondering if you'll ruin it.

The outside world has largely been disappointing with the whole abolitionist movement. I would be an abolitionist in real life but I play games to escape real life! It would be easier to tolerate in a future context but a broke Manager again stuck having to wander streets. I might as well play every other game out there.

Perhaps I will  vote with my feet as they say and never download the new version.

You're not a true addict, man. :) I'm approaching the year mark at my hotel! I believe it's Day 344 and I just found a new plotline very recently with two different minor characters! This broken down middle aged man could be happy living Runey's world.

I love the game. I would live in this game if I could. The only thing missing to my tastes is an angrier side to the MC. I just want to see Sylvia and Nia get taken down a number of pegs. I can see Nia being captured by Cornwall and dragged back to the MC in chains. As her owner, he must either carry out a ritual public punishment or witness her execution by firing squad. The MC will want to save her life, of course, even after he learns that part of the punishment will involve her favorite bat.

Is there a discord for this game or for the developer? At some point, he suggested going there but I couldn't find a discord server where this game was being discussed.

Me too. I can max out sensitivity or desperation but not ruin. Could maxing out ruin be the answer? I can't find the magic combination. She stopped looking interesting hours ago.