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A member registered May 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Life got busy and aspects of the game are not quite ready yet. We have carved some time out next week to clean up some loose ends and are excited to share it. This includes significantly better documentation on how to play.

UPDATE: Sorry for being MIA, life gets crazy sometimes. I became busy with work and SDG fell to the wayside. I am in the process of firing up yee ole project from the ground up.

Some top level plans in the works;
    - User generated content (aka in VR course editor), this might require a massive visual overhaul.
    - Networked and local multiplayer.
    - Overhauled physics simulation, got to find that perfect balance between realism and arcade. Think extreme mini putt, in VR, with discs.
    - An interactive caddy with a fun personality, and a lot of functionality. Cecil from ReBoot might be an inspiration.

Expect an official announcement late spring/early summer.

Life has slowed development a bit. SDG is currently a side project. That could change in the future. However, we have been trekking along.

Thank you for your detailed feedback. This prototype/demo was the result of a 3 day game jam. We are continuing development and will be making an announcement soon.

Currently our physics simulation accounts for the weight and size of the discs, so we will have different types of discs in our next release.

We are also doing a lot of work with bounds/hazards/locomotion.

We will be making an official announcement regarding a Steam release soon!!

Thanks again :)

Glad you enjoyed it! Stay tuned for updates

Glad you enjoyed it! We are working towards a summer release on Steam. Stay tuned for more updates.


The build you played is an early prototype. We have plans for different disc types. The current physics simulation takes radius (surface area) and mass into account.

I will make a note to ping you when we enter the next phase of testing.

Cheers :)

(1 edit)

The game requires an HTC Vive and Steam VR. What you are seeing is the camera positioned on the ground (default position).

By default a Steam VR build does not include the launcher.

I tagged the project with HTC Vive and Virtual Reaity. I should have made it more clear that those are the requirements.

If you are using a Vive and seeing this then there must be another issue.
