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A member registered Dec 07, 2019

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Bugs that I have encountered so far 0.5.56

- Bandits will sometimes rope each other. 

- Party members sometimes are missing their faces, or other body parts.

- I received some error messages during first time booting up the game that resulted in crash. Unfortunately I didn't screencap these, but they went away soon after.

- While trying to reach the bandit hideout to rescue a party member, I stumbled upon this:

The bandits just tell me to get lost; I can't seem to find a way to fight them, and interacting with the glitched out door on the screen only deletes my party members one by one until I get the game over screen.

Thank you! Happy to hear that, I hope y'all the best.

Will we eventually be able to get access to hellhound mods or something of a sort?

Upon further testing, I have found that sometimes the game 'forgets' what type of Beast the child of a pregnant character should be, if you reload a save containing pregnant characters.
Reloading sometimes solves the issue. Currently, I believe the issue may be due to how the game interprets or decides what Beast subtype a character is supposed to be, which I believe explains why loading a save and minotaur enemies may produce inconsistent end results on a pregnancy.

I used elves, and breeding directly with minotaur enemies. The first offspring of an Elf + Minotaur produced a Half-Elf, and the offspring of a Half-Elf with a Minotaur produced a regular Werewolf H-Beast.

I would like to mention that I am unable to produce holstaur/minotaur offspring. They are born as beast types correctly, but with werewolf graphics, not the appropriate ones.

Quick question, is it now possible for holstaurs and minotaurs to pass on their beast type to children?

(1 edit)

Bug found 0.3.02

  • CTD on dick eater bug transformation. Further details: Fully feminized male (game recognized as dickgirl); corrupted visual effect from Mother Bulb.

Bugs I've encountered so far:

  • There is a character in front of the starting city that doesn't seem to do much of anything, but I suspect it's some kind of cheat dummy that gives you every item in the game.
  • Workplaces seem to remember retired members, which leads to being unable to hire newer folk in as the old ones retire.
  • Offspring of Taurus/Cowgirl members are of their original race (Maybe Holstaur offspring are not implemented yet, but wanted to report just in case).
  • Sex animations are lacking penis, by the looks of it.

I'm posting some pictures here for reference; I could not fit them into the original comment unfortunately.

Hello EroPixel;

I have downloaded the new 2.02 version. However, the issue persisted for me. Though, I have to apologize, I was incorrect about the issue being related to the weretigers. I decided to test some more and may have found the cause for this.

The issue was actually not related to the weretigers, but the character itself. The character in question was a male character, that had been feminized by hormone-x plants and been turned 'female' by dick eater bugs. However, this is of course no true female, and it shows due to their male werewolf face.

Naturally, male characters that are turned female in this way do not start with a womb. So, I went to the tent in the forest to get a womb potion. The game does actually report this effect to have taken place.

I suspect the issue to be either the womb potion did not apply correctly internally in spite of showing properly, or the pregnancy for this character was blocked, because they're not truly a female character (male face), or that I have male pregnancy turned off in the settings.

For testing purposes, I went back to the hut and bought some proper sex swap potions and used it on my character, and they turned 'true' female (instead of male, which is what would happen to a normal female character), and they were able to become pregnant as normal

With all this said, I will finish this with a question. Am I perhaps using the male pregnancy option incorrectly? The reason I have it turned off is because I wanted to avoid situations such as anal pregnancy from popping up (granted, I don't know if situations such as these are implemented or even planned), or just to prevent male characters from being magically impregnated.

What does the male impregnation option entail exactly, so that I may use it better, I guess is what I'm asking. This situation that was presented to me I guess might be a bit of an edge case scenario.

If this game behavior wasn't intended, I hope I provided enough information to help find a fix.

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate this.

I'd be happy to provide a save file if you need it, just let me know.

If it helps, the Race of the character I've been trying this with is Beast (werewolf).
I'm not sure if weretigers are also tagged as Beast race, and maybe that's part of the problem.

As a second note, I noticed a minor graphical bug/glitch with using flowers to dye hair color on werewolf Beast races. The dye changes the color of the hair, but only the hair, the rest of the fur stays the same original color. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but it looks kinda weird. If you plan on changing this, I would recommend also taking a look at the weretigers (which I can't check myself due to the previous issue) just in case.

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I've got some bugs to report for 2.01

The new method for catching errors seems to have reduced the overall ctds; however, fighting weretigers will occasionally cause a check sex animation ctd error, I'm attaching the image to this comment.

Also, pregnancy mechanics appear to not be working for weretigers. I can't seem to get my characters pregnant by using a sex skill on the weretigers, or by letting them get corrupt-transformed and then having an ally do sex with them.

I really like what you've done with the content settings menu, it looks great.

If I may ask though, I've noticed that the gene that increased lifespan isn't showing up randomly anymore. Has it been removed, or do I have to do something specific for it to show up?

Interestingly, I was also going to mention Lipucd. I think his Q-Bee and Egg Assault games have some interesting concepts that could fit into this game as well, maybe even with the animations you've been working on. I know there are other games as well that have used similar concepts. Really excited to see what else you come up with.

(1 edit)

Hello, I'm reporting some more bugs.

When fighting with male characters, sometimes corrupting attacks that are not from specific gender bending enemies will give male characters boobs and wider hips. Switching or removing armors however removes the visual effects. Meaning that the effect is persistent only on the armor.

I used to have this second bug before, but it kinda went away in 1.5.2, but it seems to be back; Genetic effects seem to not be applying properly. For example, genes that should give my characters the abilities of leech life (vampire), or double attack, do not give said ability to the relevant characters.

(2 edits)

Hello EroPixel,

I will take this opportunity to tell you about the bugs that I have found so far with the latest version of the game (v2); I wasn't able to reproduce this accurately unfortunately, but after having fought some werewolves I received an crash-to-desktop error regarding a check_sex_animation or some such. Again, unfortunately I was not able to reproduce this again to take a screenshot, so I only have my own memory for this one.

Additionally, some beast children were being spawned bald, and I would have to then manually select a hairstyle for them, and I sometimes find red-colored artifacts near the hands of some character (they look like fingernail graphics that are hovering in the void?)

Finally, during the initial menu when starting a new game, I keep being prompted to select an animation set, with the options male x male, female x female, male x futa. And it prompts it again with every option in the fetish selection menu. I'm not sure if this is part of what caused the original error with the werewolves, but either way I'm not sure that this should even be showing up at all. The game itself should be deciding which animation sets to use depending on what each character is equipped with sexually, right?

Those are all the bugs so far; I wanted to also tell you about this pet peeve, a nitpick if you will, of mine, but I often find myself somewhat inconvenienced by the game's choice of control scheme. Having to use the A/S keys to open up the menu is somewhat unfortunate, because it does not line up with the standard Z/X choices that is often used by most RPGMaker games. I know it's a very minor thing, but if you don't mind me asking, is it not possible to rely on the traditional control scheme? Ideally, I would love it if the game at least had an option in the configuration menu where I could change the key bindings for the game, and so everybody could use whichever key they liked.

Thank you very much for all your hard work, the game is shaping up quite nicely so far.

I don't know if you're taking suggestions for ideas from people, but if you are, I have always quite liked games that have more involved h-mechanics during combat. Like, you have statuses that progress a character's transformation, for example, rather than just relying solely on one-time animations and a corruption bar. I know things like these can be difficult and take time to implement, but this game seems to be quite ambitious already, so maybe I thought you might like the input.

Hello, how do I defeat the plants that keep growing back from the mission to gain access to the northern forest?